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DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4s

Geologiya Nefti I Gaza" ("Oil And Gas Geology") is included by the Higher Attestation Commission in the list of leading scientific journals and publications where the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of sciences

Editorial office address: 36 shosse Entuziastov, 105118, Moscow, Russia
Viktor  Petersilie, deputy editor-in-chief

Tel: +7 (916) 656-77-93  |  e-mail:
Subscription: Tel: +7 (499) 781-68-62*3232 | e-mail:


M.Ya. Zykin, A.E. Ryzhov, N.V. Savchenko, V.A. Skorobogatov, N.N. Solov'ev. Formation and development of petroleum geology in Russia and USSR: place and role of VNIIGAZ

V.V. Cherepanov, D.V. Luygai. Raw material base of gas production in Russia and Gazprom: the current state and future considerations for the 21st century

V.А. Skorobogatov. Future of Russian gas and oil

E.E. Polyakov, V.V. Rybal'chenko, A.E. Ryzhov, V.A. Skorobogatov, D.Ya. Khabibullin. Northern Eurasia: where to look for new largest, giant, and unique gas fields?

V.A. Skorobogatov, G.R. Pyatnitskaya, D.A. Soin, A.N. Skorobogat’ko. Estimation of free gas potential resources in the Russian sedimentary basins and their verifiability by exploration and prospecting activities

D.Ya. Khabibullin, V.A. Skorobogatov. A new paradigm of exploration and prospecting in Russia aimed at resource base development for gas production in 2021–2040

A.V. Tolstikov, D.A. Astaf'ev, Shtein Ya.I., Kabalin M.Yu., Naumova L.A. Hydrocarbon reserves and resources, opportunities for Russian offshore subsoil studies and commercial development in 21 century

I.A. Zinchenko, B.I. Sharipov, A.A. Krutoi, E.V. Perlova, S.A. Leonov. Unconventional gas resources and reserves in Russia and Gazprom

Yu.I. Pyatnitskii, A.N. Ryb'yakov, E.E. Polyakov, E.A. Fedorova, K.M. Semenova, V.V. Strekozin, A.Yu. Komarov. Hydrocarbon reserves assessment practice in the unique Russian fields

A.E. Ryzhov, R.A. Zhirnov, A.G. Minko, A.S. Chudin, O.V. Ivchenko, A.A. Kontarev, O.A. Vlasenko. Resource base of Power of Siberia gas export line: integrated development of major objects

А.Е. Ryzhov, Z.P. Sklyarova, А.I. Krikunov, N.Yu. Kanunnikova. Validation of buried faults presence in Lower Vendian terrigenous formations: Chayandinsky oil and gas condensate field

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