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Якорь 1
V.А. Skorobogatov
Future of Russian gas and oil
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4s-31-43

Eurasia mega-continent is reach in coil, gas, oil, and ores. The most important gas-bearing (gas and oil bearing) basins and mega-basins are located in the northern and Arctic parts: in Western and Eastern Siberia, Barents Sea, Okhotsk Sea, etc. The current structure of the raw material base for gas production is as follows: the explored reserves amount to 50.8 TCM (categories A + В1 + C1 according to the State Balance Sheet), preliminary evaluated reserves — 18.7 TCM (categories B2 + C2), cumulative production — 22.2 TCM, total of the initial reserves — 91.8 TCM. According to the official and corporate estimates, ultimate potential resources of free gas make 287.5 and 200 TCM, respectively. The paper analyses in detail the amount and structure of gas and oil reserves and resources. Western Siberia (onshore and offshore in the southern part of the Kara Sea) is the richest region. The explored resources of Gazprom — the major producing company — amount to 36.8 / 35.4 TCM (2017-2018). In 2017, Russia produced 692 BCM of gas, including 471 BCM of gas produced by Gazprom. The paper discusses the focus areas, indicators and issues of raw material base development in terms of hydrocarbon production in Russia and Gazprom until 2035, 2040, and 2050. In accordance with the Strategic Gas Industry Plan, gas production in Russia will increase to 1 TCM by the year 2040, and probably to 1.1–1.15 by the year 2050, including uncon-ventional gas production. The current Russian gas reserves will increase to 54–55 / 34–35 TCM (in-place / recoverable) until 2051. The problems the petroleum industry faces are stabilization of liquid hydrocarbon production at the level at least 540 MT in the nearest 8–10 years, and further utmost holding down the rate of decrease owing to the high level of traditional oil reserves and resources development and due to development of unconventional oil. Major incremental production volume and new gas reserves will be obtained from the Yamal-Kara region of Western Siberia.

Key words: raw material base; gas; oil; prospecting; reserves; resources; production; future.


For citation: Skorobogatov V.A. Future of Russian gas and oil. Geologiya nefti I gaza. 2018;(4s):31–43. DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4s-31-43.

V.А. Skorobogatov   Scopus

Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, Moscow oblast, Russia;

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