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Якорь 1
I.A. Zinchenko, B.I. Sharipov, A.A. Krutoi, E.V. Perlova, S.A. Leonov
Unconventional gas resources and reserves in Russia and Gazprom
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4s-87-92

Enhancement of resource base of the fields reaching the stage of declining natural gas production, and of the regions with low conventional gas potential can be attained owing to the unconventional gas resources. The paper discusses the prospects of the Material Resources Base replacement in Russia and PJSC Gazprom owing to the unconventional gas resources, namely: coalbed methane, shale gas, and gas hydrates. The authors identify exploration targets and discuss pre-conditions contributing to drawing them into development. Taking into account the considerable resources of the traditional gas, the prospects of drawing one or another type of unconventional gas accumulations into commercial development will be determined in RF by their competitive capacity compared to traditional gas and consumer demand. In Russia, priority of drawing the different types of unconventional gas resources into development is primarily determined by cost effectiveness of their production. In terms of timing of drawing into development in Russia, coal bed methane is one of the first-priority resources; pilot projects on coal bed methane production are being implemented in Kuzbass. Territory of the Southern Gas Production Centre can be the possible object of shale gas developments; the problem of Material Resources Base replacement already exists in this region together with the persistent demand for gas. Natural gas hydrates are Russia’s strategic energy resource; development of these resources is currently restrained by lack of technology to produce it on an industrial scale.

Key words: gas; unconventional resources; coalbed methane; shale gas; natural gas hydrates.


For citation: Zinchenko I.A., Sharipov B.I., Krutoi A.A., Perlova E.V., Leonov S.A. Unconventional gas resources and reserves in Russia and Gazprom. Geologiya nefti I gaza. 2018;(4s):87–92. DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4s-87-92.

I.A. Zinchenko   Scopus

Gazprom, Moscow, Russia;

B.I. Sharipov

Gazprom, Moscow, Russia;


A.A. Krutoi   Scopus

Gazprom, Moscow, Russia;

E.V. Perlova   Scopus

Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, Moscow oblast, Russia;

S.A. Leonov

Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, Moscow oblast, Russia;

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