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Якорь 1
Yu.I. Pyatnitskii, A.N. Ryb'yakov, E.E. Polyakov, E.A. Fedorova, K.M. Semenova,
V.V. Strekozin, A.Yu. Komarov
Hydrocarbon reserves assessment practice in the unique Russian fields
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4s-93-106

In the past years, specialists of the Centre for Hydrocarbon Resources and Reserves (Gazprom VNIIGAZ) have completed hydrocarbon reserves assessment for the unique fields (Astrakhansky gas condensate field, Chayandinsky oil and gas condensate field, etc.) situated in different regions of Russia. Within the framework of this work, they suggested the scientific approaches to solve the diverse problems related to the studies of field geological and structural-and-tectonic architecture; substantiation of variables used to estimate reserves and hydrocarbon components content; level and position of gas-liquid interfaces. On the basis of the researches completed, 3D digital geological models of the studied fields were created, and hydrocarbon reserves were re-assessed. Proceeding from the updated knowledge of geological structure and reserves of the Chayandinsky oil and gas condensate field included in the zone of priority development within the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean Oil Line and scheduled Power of Siberia Gas Main operation areas, the reservoir engineering was carried out. The completed re-assessment and significant amount of incremental commercial reserves of free gas, condensate, sulphur and associated components within the Bashkirian formations in the left-bank part of the Astrakhansky gas condensate field (exceedance of reserves booked on the RF State Reserves Register by 20 %), are certainly of current importance for raw materials base development to supply the Astrakhansky Gas Chemical Facility in the south of Russia.

Key words: gas; unique fields; resource potential; reserves assessment.


For citation: Tolstikov A.V., Astaf'ev D.A., Shtein Ya.I., Kabalin M.Yu., Naumova L.A. Hydrocarbon reserves and resources, opportunities for Russian offshore subsoil studies and commercial development in 21 century. Geologiya nefti I gaza. 2018;(4s):93–106. DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4s-93-106.

Yu.I. Pyatnitskii

Gazprom, Moscow, Russia;

A.N. Ryb'yakov

Gazprom, Moscow, Russia;


E.E. Polyakov

Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Moscow oblast, Russia;

E.A. Fedorova

Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Moscow oblast, Russia;

K.M. Semenova

Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Moscow oblast, Russia;

V.V. Strekozin

Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Moscow oblast, Russia;

A.Yu. Komarov   Scopus

Gazprom dobycha Astrakhan’, Astrakhan’, Russia;

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