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D.Ya. Khabibullin, V.A. Skorobogatov
A new paradigm of exploration and prospecting in Russia aimed at resource
base development for gas production in 2021–2040
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4s-67-72

Dating back the periods of exploration and prospecting for gas and oil in Russia is discussed; these activities during the contemporary history of the petroleum industry in the country together with the guiding principles made a foundation for mineral resources base development for the benefit of gas and oil production. In general terms, paradigm is the current system of views and concepts used to manage any process with a view to its successful development and eventual positive results. In essence, paradigm is a comprehensive concept of a strategy for modern development of complex processes, including the development of mineral resource base for gas and oil production through exploration and prospecting activities. Periodical shift of current exploration and prospecting paradigm (approximately, every 18–20 years) responds to the changing conditions of mineral recourse base functioning. At the moment, the times demand for shift of the current exploration paradigm for exploration-and-prospecting, the essence of which involves strengthening the prospecting component of exploration and prospecting works in the future 20 years; this includes access to the remote lands and the Arctic shelf (“revival” of offshore exploration and prospecting in the Russian Arctic).

Key words: palaeozoic; paradigm; prediction; exploration; prospecting; giant and unique fields; reserves growth; working periods.


For citation: Khabibullin D.Ya., Skorobogatov V.A. A new paradigm of exploration and prospecting in Russia aimed at resource base development for gas production in 2021–2040. Geologiya nefti I gaza. 2018;(4s):67–72. DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4s-67-72.

D.Ya. Khabibullin

Gazprom, Moscow, Russia;

V.A. Skorobogatov   Scopus

Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, Moscow oblast, Russia;

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