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About Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) & Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAP

Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)

Gas Exporting Countries Forum is a Doha-based international governmental organisation with 20 Member Countries – Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Russia, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela, Angola, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Norway, Oman, Peru, United Arab Emirates, which jointly control 72% of the proven gas reserves, 46% of its marketed production, 55% of pipeline and 61% of LNG exports across the globe.

Being a foremost energy association, officially established in 2008, the GECF has recorded notable milestones and remains committed to supporting its Member Countries in the pursue to strengthen global energy security and meet the world’s growing energy demand, meanwhile proving to be reliable suppliers of natural gas – a prominent contributor in the global pursuit towards net-zero emissions energy systems and attainment of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

The Forum provides granular, scientifically based insights into the state of natural gas based on the diverse variety of the instruments and deliverables such as the GECF Global Gas Model – now with elements of artificial intelligence and digital technologies, Global Gas Outlook 2050, Annual Short Term Gas Market Report, Special Envoys on Data and Statistics, Data Exchange Mechanism, the Short-, Medium and Long Term Gas Market Reviews, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Statistical Bulletins.

GECF increasingly engages with UN agencies, the G20 Ministerial Meeting on Energy Transitions and Global Environment for Sustainable growth, ASEAN, EEC, OPEC, OAPEC, APPO, IEF, IEA, IRENA, OLADE, IGU, other peers, and regional entities, as well as maintains strategic multifaceted dialogue amongst natural gas producers and consumers.

Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC)

The Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) is a regional inter-governmental organization established by an agreement signed in Beirut on January 9, 1968 by Kuwait, Libyan (Kingdom of Libya at that time) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The three founding members chose the state of Kuwait for the Organizations' domicile and headquarters.

By 1982 the membership of the Organization increased to eleven Arab oil exporting countries namely: Algeria (1970), Bahrain (1970) (now Kingdom of Bahrain), Egypt (1973), Iraq (1972), Kuwait (1968), Libya (1968), Qatar (1970), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1968), Syria (1972), Tunisia (1982) and United Arab Emirates (1970).

The principal objective of the Organization is the cooperation of the members in various forms of economic activity in the petroleum industry, the realization of the closest ties among them in this field, the determination of ways and means of safeguarding the legitimate interests of its members in the industry, individually and collectively, the unification of efforts to ensure the flow of petroleum to its consumption markets on equitable and reasonable terms, and the creation of suitable climate for the capital and expertise invested in the petroleum industry in the member countries.

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