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Якорь 1
G.N. Gogonenkov, O.A. Korchagin, V.G. Groshev, E.M. Zakiev, A.R. Yapparovа
New directions and methods of prospecting for hydrocarbons in deep-seated areas of the Russian sector of the Caspian depression
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-2-85-92

As a result of reprocessing and reinterpretation of 2D seismic data from different years surveys, as well as summarizing the available information on the Altatinsko-Ershovsky zone, a geological model of subsalt and suprasalt complex in the deep part of the Russian sector of the Peri-Caspian depression was proposed. The enormous thickness of salt (more than 3 km) and its complex deformation into the system of domes separated by deep troughs filled with Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous sediments, significantly complicated the seismic wave pattern. On the basis of the created depth-velocity model that maximally takes into account the speed differentiation of the overlying strata, it has been established that subsalt horizons are monoclinally plunging towards the center of the Caspian. A new prospecting concept was proposed for the Russian part of the Caspian region – below-overhang traps. Halokinetic modeling of exploration target — a salt overhang — has been performed. Recommendations for further seismic exploration that solve the problem of super-deep parametric well location and updading the structure of the subsalt and suprasalt series are given. The main conclusion of the authors is that 3D high-resolution seismic surveys are necessary prior to drilling expensive parametric and deep wells in submerged areas of the Caspian Basin.


Key words: prospecting; hydrocarbon; Capsian depression; geological model; Altatinsko-Ershovsky zone; halokinetic modelling.

For citation: Gogonenkov G.N., Korchagin O.A., Groshev V.G., Zakiev E.M., Yapparovа A.R. New directions and methods of prospecting for hydrocarbons in deep-seated areas of the Russian sector of the Caspian depression. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(2):85–92. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-2-85-92.


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G.N. Gogonenkov   Scopus

Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute", Moscow, Russia;

O.A. Korchagin   Scopus

JSC "Rusgeology", Moscow, Russia;

V.G. Groshev

JSC "Central Geophysical Expedition", Moscow, Russia;

E.M. Zakiev

JSC "Central Geophysical Expedition", Moscow, Russia;

A.R. Yapparovа

JSC "Central Geophysical Expedition", Moscow, Russia;

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