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Soloviev Aleksey V. Soloviev is Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences

1. The main research subjects

Structural analysis, fission-track dating of apatite and zircon, Mesozoic thrust-fold belts, the convergent boundary settings, Koryak Upland, Kamchatka, Russian Far East

2. Education

1988 - 1993 Geology Department of Moscow State University. During the education had been working under the direction of professor N.V. Koronovskii. The work was concerned with Caucasian part of Mediterranean belt volcanism.
Master thesis "Geological structure and geochemistry of the ultramafic and mafic massif Seynav (Koryak upland)", adviser - Prof. N.A. Bogdanov. Speciality - geologist, specialization - geological mapping, research and exploration of minerals deposits.
1993 - 1997 The Institute of Lithosphere (Russian Academy of Sciences), post-graduate.
Ph.D. thesis: "Geological structure and kinematics of Vatyno-Vyvenka thrust (Koryak upland)", adviser - Prof. N.A. Bogdanov.
2005 - Geological Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences).
Thesis for a Doctor's degree: "Investigations of the tectonic evolution of the convergent plate boundary by fission-track dating and structural analysis"

3. Experience

1993 - 1996 - the junior researcher at the Institute of Lithosphere (RAS).
1997 - 1999 - the researcher at the Institute of Lithosphere (RAS).
1999 - 2004 - the executive secretary at the Institute of Lithosphere (RAS).
2004 - now - the head of mineralogical and fission-track dating laboratory Geological Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences).

Field areas: Caucasus, Kamchatka, Koryak Upland, Crimea.
Excursions: Appalachians (North America), Scandinavian Caledonians. Dagestan

4. Grants, awards.

1995 - Grant of International Soros Science Education Programme, grant 1471;
1996 - Grant of International Soros Science Education Programme, grant 96-2176;
1995 - 1996 Grant OGGGGN RAS "Hope" - head;
1995 - 1998 Grant NSF "Collaborative Research: Cenozoic Collision of the Olutorsky Volcanic Arc, Northern Kamchatka, Russian Far East", EAR 94-18990, EAR 94-18989 - member;
1998 - 2000 Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research  98-05-64525 - head;
1998-1999 - Research visit to Union College (Schenectady, NY) Study of the Fission track dating
1998 - 2000 Grant of the fifth competition of Russian Academy of Sciences commission "The kinematics of tectonic suture between Sea of Okhotsk and Kamchatka microplates" - head;
2000 - 2003 Grant NSF Polar programs "Cenozoic evolution of the Aleutian-Kamchatka junction" OPP-9911910 -member;
2000-2003 - The national scientific scholarship for young scientists;
2001 - Medal of Russian Academy of Sciences;
2002-2004 - Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research  02-05-64967 " Application of the fission-track dating of zircon and apatite for solving of the tectonic problems" - head;
2003-2005 - Project of the Earth Research Branch of RAS "Isotope geology: geochronology and material sources" (Program 6);
2004-2006 - Grant CRDF #RG1-2568-MO-03, "The development of fission-track dating laboratory at Geological Institute (Russian Academy of Sciences)." - head;
2004-2005 - Scholarship of The Russian Science Support Foundation;
2005-2007 - Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Research 05-05-64066 " Tectonic evolution of metamorphic core complexes on convergent plate
boundaries: geochronology, structural analysis, modeling " - head.

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