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G.G. Zholtaev, K.О. Iskaziev, A.G. Аbishev, G.E. Kulumbetova
A new promising trend of oil and gas fields exploration in the east of the Caspian Depression
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-5-27-31

Giant and large oil and gas fields are discovered in the Caspian Depression, they are: Kashagan, Tengiz; Karashyganak; Zhanazhol; Kenkiyak; Alibekmola, etc. Pay horizons in these fields are represented by Devonian, Carboniferous, and Early Permian carbonate rocks. All the oil and gas fields with large and medium oil and gas reserves in the eastern part of the Caspian Depression are associated with КТ-I and KT-II formations in the main Cretaceous oil and gas bearing sequences characterised by sufficient exploration maturity. In the new Urikhtau field, in addition to КТ-I and KT-II formations, the Famennian deposits are also hydrocarbon-bearing; seismic studies revealed a reef within them. Drilling showed intense gas release in У-5 well. Oil and gas inflows were obtained in this region from Devonian formations. In the East Caspian Basin developed during Devonian and Carboniferous as a passive continental margin of the Urals Paleo-ocean, there are: Temirsky and Zharkamyssky uplifts (oil and gas accumulation zones), and Caspian Depression (zone of oil and gas generation). Famennian formations are the new and promising target in oil and gas exploration in the eastern shoulder of Caspian Depression and at the junction of Volga-Urals Petroleum Province and Urals Trough in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan territory.

Key words: reef; pay horizon; sequence; field; uplift; basin; paleo-ocean; trough.

For citation: Zholtaev G.Zh., Iskaziev K.O., Аbishev A.G., Kulumbetova G.E. A new promising trend of oil and gas fields exploration in the east of the Caspian Depression. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(5):27–31. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-5-27-31.


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G.G. Zholtaev   Scopus   iD  

Institute of Geological Sciences n.-a. K.I.°Satpaev; Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan;;

K.О. Iskaziev   Scopus

JSC “RD KazMunaigas”, Astana, Kazakhstan;;

A.G. Аbishev

Urikhtau Operating LLP, Aktyubinsk, Kazakhstan;;

G.E. Kulumbetova

Satbayev National Research University, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan;;

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