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G.Zh. Zholtaev, A.Zh. Akhmetzhanov, R.B. Abuev, G.A. Akhmetzhanova, B.B. Oraz
Terrigenous and carbonate reservoirs in the south-east of the Caspian Depression
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-3-9-22

In recent years, the discovery of oil accumulations in the Cretaceous deposits of Caspian Depression attracted close attention to terrigenous and terrigenous-carbonate oil-bearing formations of the Valanginian stage. New Mesozoic Hydrocarbon Bearing Horizons (Features of Triassic and Valanginian) workshop was held in March 2016 in Atyrau, where the problems of the Mesozoic deposits development in the current conditions were discussed. The paper presents certain aspects of geological structure of Valanginian formations in a number of fields associated with the North-Caspian-Prorvinsky zone in the south of the Caspian Depression. The authors also discuss a suite of core studies that included determination of grain and volume density, total and open porosity, permeability, grain size distribution, and content of carbonate component, oil, and water in the rock. Studies of core material made it possible to experimentally establish a relationship between porosity, permeability and petrophysical properties of Valanginian deposits represented by three layers, which differ in lithology, carbonate to terrigenous component ratio, and geophysical characteristics. A number of formations are identified within the Valanginian deposits, which are of interest in the context of hydrocarbon occurrence.

Key words: tectonics; depth maps; seismic exploration; Valanginian stage; terrigenous and carbonate deposits; reservoir; porosity and permeability; geophysical studies.

For citation: Zholtaev G.Zh., Akhmetzhanov A.Zh., Abuev R.B., Akhmetzhanova G.A., Oraz B.B. Terrigenous and carbonate reservoirs in the south-east of the Caspian Depression. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(4):41–47. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-4-41-47.


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G.Zh. Zholtaev   Scopus   iD 

Institute of Geological sciences named after K.I. Satpaev,, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan;;

A.Zh. Akhmetzhanov

Kazakh-British Technical University, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan;;

R.B. Abuev

Kaspiimunaigaz, Atyrau, Kazakhstan;;

G.A. Akhmetzhanova

Satbayev National Research University, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan;;

B.B. Oraz

Satbayev National Research University, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan;;

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