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Yu.A. Volozh, G.N. Gogonenkov, N.V. Miletenko, E.I. Petrov
Oil resources development from deep horizons in historically oil producing regions
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-6-7-21

The paper discusses the strategic sectors of national resource base buildup and maintaining its competitiveness. The main sedimentary basins are ranked in accordance with the potential in terms of hydrocarbon resources development at great depths. The authors draw a conclusion that it is necessary to prepare the special integrated projects combining the efforts of basic sciences, government, and business aimed at deep development of oil and gas bearing basins having a long history of oil and gas production. The strategic importance of this cooperation is shown by the example of the Eurasia international scientific project and the Astrakhan Arch multiclient project implementation in the Caspian Depression. The purpose of the first project is substantiation of giant oil and gas field prospecting criteria taking into account the fluid dynamic features at great depths. The purpose of the second project is testing of new working practices in geological exploration aimed at hydrocarbon resources development at great depths within the allocated fund of subsurface mineral resources. The conceptual framework of building geological and geophysical model of the subsalt sequence in the Caspian oil and gas bearing basin, which ensures geological efficiency of the mentioned projects implementation is discussed.

Key words: historical oil bearing provinces; deep horizons; fluid dynamics; elephant oil fields; Eurasia Project; Astrakhan Arch Project.

For citation: Volozh Yu.A., Gogonenkov G.N., Miletenko N.V., Petrov E.I. Oil resources development from deep horizons in historically oil producing regions. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(6):7–21. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-6-7-21. In Russ.

Acknowledgements: The article was written as a personal initiative and based on the results of research at the expense of state budget funds under the state assignment of the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.



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Yurii A. Volozh   iD
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Senior Research Officer
Geological Institute of the RAS,
7, bld. 1., Pyzhevsky lane, Moscow, 119017, Russia


Georgii N. Gogonenkov   Scopus
Doctor of Engineering Science,
Advisor to Director
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
36, Shosse Entuziastov, Moscow, 105118, Russia


Nikolai V. Miletenko
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Professor, Advisor to Director
Russian Geological
Research Institute,
74, Sredny pr., St. Petersburg, 199106, Russia

Evgenii I. Petrov
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Head of Rosnedra
Federal Agency for Mineral Resources (Rosnedra),
4/6, ul. B. Gruzinskaya, Moscow, 125993, Russia

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