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O.A. Vazhenina, A.V. Trigub
Prediction of hydrocarbon charging of pre-Jurassic basement rocks on the basis of petroleum systems modelling (Western Siberia)
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4-39-51

In the underexplored areas, even with certain petroleum potential, there are always high risks that exploration and prospecting results will bring no success. In the early stage of certain area exploration, especially in these recent times, integrated analysis of geological and geophysical data is used to identify possible conditions for oil and gas pools discovery and estimation of hydrocarbon amount in them. When analytical data on the development of tectonic, depositional, geochemical and other processes are integrated, modelling of oil and gas pools formation (or absence) becomes possible. The main purpose of the work summarized in the paper was to define criteria of possibility that the pre-Jurassic reservoir rocks will be filled with hydrocarbons during the course of geological history. To that end, the authors have modelled the processes of hydrocarbon generation, migration, and accumulation along three slalom seismic lines (belonging to 2D surveys) running across the territories in KhMAO, YaNAO, and Tomsk Oblast, where hydrocarbon pools were discovered in the pre-Jurassic series. Data obtained in the course of the studies allowed the authors to identify main hydrocarbon migration paths and time where the hydrocarbon migration from oil and gas source rocks to the pre-Jurassic reservoir rocks started, as well as the necessary conditions of possible filling of hydrocarbon traps during the geological history. Availability of more complete geochemical information and presence of wells drilled in the Palaeozoic series for hundreds of meters make it possible to create more accurate models of promising areas.


Key words: basin modelling; oil and gas source rock; source of hydrocarbons; migration; organic matter; pre-Jurassic series.


For citation: Vazhenina O.A., Trigub A.V. Prediction of hydrocarbon charging of pre-Jurassic basement rocks on the basis of petroleum systems modelling (Western Siberia). Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(4):39–51. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4-39-51.



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O.A. Vazhenina

ZapSibNIIGG, Tyumen, Russia;

A.V. Trigub

ZapSibNIIGG, Tyumen, Russia;

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