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Якорь 1
A.I. Varlamov, A.P. Afanasenkov, M.Yu. Vitsenovskii, B.I. Davydenko, M.M. Iutina, M.N. Kravchenko, P.N. Mel'nikov, V.I. Poroskun, M.B. Skvortsov, N.K. Fortunatova
Status and ways to buildup the hydrocarbon raw materials base in the Russian Federation
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-3-5-25

The paper discusses status and ways to buildup hydrocarbon raw material base of the Russian Federation, as well as global trends in oil production development and hydrocarbon reserves replacement ratio. Voidage Replacement Ratio required to ensure the raw material security of the country was calculated on the results of the analysis carried out; it is estimated in the range from 1.7 to 2.0. Scope of explorati on works is presented that is necessary to ensure a simple oil replacement, i.e., additional economic reserves in amount equal to producti on (at least 500 MM tons of oil), including the amount of strati graphic wells drilling to prepare the reliable undiscovered resources in new regions. Scope of exploration works is presented, the funding of which can be provided only by the state. State investments in E&P works will step up the validity of resources and reserves and, as a result, companies’ investments in exploration and prospecting will grow. The results of exploration and prospecting in five oil bearing zones are presented, where the major amount of E&P work funded through the federal budget was focused, which allowed considerable advancing the work efficiency and speeding up preparation of new oil.


Key words: exploration; hydrocarbon reserves; economic reserves; Voidage Replacement Rati o; raw material security of a country; drilling; seismic explorati on; oil-bearing zones; licensing.


For citation: Varlamov A.I., Afanasenkov A.P., Vitsenovskii M.Yu., Davydenko B.I., Iutina M.M., Kravchenko M.N., Mel'nikov P.N., Poroskun V.I., Skvortsov M.B., Fortunatova N.K. Status and ways to buildup the hydrocarbon raw materials base in the Russian Federation. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(3):2–25. DOI: 10.31087/0016‑7894‑2018‑3‑2‑25.


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A.I. Varlamov   Scopus

FGBU «All‑Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

A.P. Afanasenkov   Scopus

FGBU «All‑Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;

M.Yu. Vitsenovskii
FGBU «All‑Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

B.I. Davydenko

FGBU «All‑Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

M.M. Iutina

FGBU «All‑Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

M.N. Kravchenko   Scopus

FGBU «All‑Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

P.N. Mel'nikov

FGBU «All‑Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

V.I. Poroskun   Scopus

FGBU «All‑Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

M.B. Skvortsov   Scopus

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N.K. Fortunatova   Scopus

FGBU «All‑Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

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