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I.F. Talipov, V.V. Shimanskiy
Paleostructural imaging in sedimentation modelling of the Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary series over the West Siberian basin
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4-63-68

Reliable sedimentation models of reservoir series are required to predict zones of lithological traps formation. The accurate paleostructural framework is a key factor of sedimentation models reliability. The traditional backstripping analysis used to paleogeography reconstruction does not answer the purposes of lithological traps prediction. The paper demonstrates that accounting for nonuniform rocks compaction in the course of sedimentary cover formation is needed in paleogeography studies. Rocks density considerably increases during subsidence, namely: sandstone density at the depth of 3 km increases by 25 %, while clay density almost doubles. At the same time, sandstone volume decreases 1.4-fold, siltstone — 2-fold, claystone — 2.4-fold. Volume of the cemented rocks, carbonates slightly changes with depth. Consequently, nonuniform rock compaction occurs in the different lithofacies zones, which considerable affects the topography formation. The examples of paleogeography reconstruction of the Upper Jurassic and Middle Jurassic formations for the West Siberian basin are presented; they were obtained using different approaches to paleogeography building. Paleostructures of the Bazhenov-Vasyugan horizons and Upper Tyumen member are analysed. The paleogeographic schemes demonstrate zones of sea basin boundaries variations; the zones were identified taking into account the rocks compaction.


Key words: paleogeography; structural surfaces; depositional settings; rock compaction.


For citation: Talipov I.F., Shimanskiy V.V. Paleostructural imaging in sedimentation modelling of the Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary series over the West Siberian basin. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(4):63–68. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4-63-68.


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I.F. Talipov   Scopus

JSC “ROSGEO”, Moscow, Russia;

V.V. Shimanskiy   Scopus

AO “Geologorazvedka”, St. Petersburg, Russia;

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