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K.F. Startseva
History of petroleum systems evolution in the Eastern Barents Sea sedi-mentary basin according to 2D modelling data
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-5-15-28

Basis of hydrocarbon systems modelling in the Eastern Barents Sea Basin is a regional geological model created using the results of 2D seismic data interpretation for the recent decade, drilling data from the marine wells, and geological surveying data from the neighbouring onshore areas. Oil and gas source rock formations, reservoirs, and seals are identified at all the major stratigraphic levels on the results of regional geochemical studies and with the use of the sequence stratigraphy method. Integrated modelling of hydrocarbon systems is carried out including restoration of: 1) subsidence history of the basin; 2) heating of sedimentary sequences; 3) hydrocarbon generation and migration. The modelling results show that the main hydrocarbon generation event in the Eastern Barents Sea Basin has occurred at the end of Early – beginning of Late Triassic resulting from drastic subsidence under the weight of prograding delta sediments. At the end of Cretaceous, lateral HC flows were formed, which ensured charging of anticline and combination traps in the marginal parts of the basin. Development of hydrocarbon accumulations is expected at the following two levels within the local structures in the west of the Eastern Barents Sea Basin: in the clinoform traps of the Lower Triassic terrigenous formations, and in the Late Carboniferous – Early Permian carbonate deposits.


Key words: Arctic; Eastern Barents Sea Basin; modelling, subsidence; hydrocarbon systems.


For citation: Startseva K.F. History of petroleum systems evolution in the Eastern Barents Sea sedimentary basin according to 2D modelling data. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(5):15–28. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-5-15-28.


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K.F. Startseva   Scopus

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;

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