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V.S. Sitnikov, K.A. Pavlova, R.F. Sevost’yanova
Oil potential of the central part of the Western Yakutia
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-6-63-72

The paper contains information on the history of first oil accumulations discovery in Yakutia, oil exploration methodology, geological conditions for further accelerated oil reserves buildup in the vicinity of the working main oil line Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean. We discuss data on oil and gas condensate fields of Nepsky-Botuobinsky petroleum bearing area, which are discovered in the south-west of the republic and used for implementation of the mentioned petroleum mega-project in the Russian East, oil supply to the RF Far Eastern Federal District and to the countries of the Asia-Pacific Region (China, etc.). We substantiate practicability of returning oil exploration activities in the underexplored areas of past-years drilling with the new scientific ideas and modern technologies for drilling and testing of deep wells in the complicated mining and geological conditions of the ancient Siberian Platform. in addition to the south-western regions of the republic, where a sufficiently large raw materials base is created by now for petroleum industry, in the paper we predict the possible discovery of a number of new oil bearing areas. The following territories are considered positive in this context: first of all, the north-western slopes of the Nepsky-Botuobinsky and Aldansky anteclises, walls of the Vilyuisky syneclise, Aldan-Maisky depression, neighbouring areas on the slopes of the Yakutsky mega-anticline; and also a number of new regions relatively distant from the main oil line Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean.


Key words: oil; gas; forecast; anteclise; syneclise; oil pipeline; hydrocarbons; potential; raw materials.

For citation: Sitnikov V.S., Pavlova K.A., Sevost’yanova R.F. Oil potential of the central part of the Western Yakutia. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(6):63–72. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-6-63-72.


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V.S. Sitnikov   Scopus

Oil and Gas Institute, the RAS Siberian branch, Moscow, Russia;

K.A. Pavlova

Oil and Gas Institute, the RAS Siberian branch, Moscow, Russia;

R.F. Sevost’yanova

Oil and Gas Institute, the RAS Siberian branch, Moscow, Russia;

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