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V.S. Shein, A.V. Alferenok, S.L. Kalamkarov, A.A. Knipper, V.A. Shein
Sedimentary cover of the Western Arctic and neighbouring regions: tectonic framework and petroleum potential
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-6-5-33

Sedimentary cover of the region under consideration was accumulated within continental and oceanic rifts, above-rift depressions, passive continental paleo-margins, pre-orogenic troughs, etc., forming structures from the largest (acreage 200–5000 thousand km2 ) to moderate (0.32–0.013 thousand km2 ) and small (0.013–0.005 thousand km2 ). Classification of structures in Western Arctic Region and neighbouring territories according to size and formation conditions is developed. Structures of sedimentary cover and deep plate tectonic structures are assigned to separate classes. Structures of sedimentary cover are classified into 5 ranks and 10 orders according to their scale. Deep plate tectonic structures are classified into 2 ranks and 4 orders. Maps of the largest, large, medium, and small structures of Western Arctic are created. It is found that fields containing unique HC reserves are associated with medium structures of III and IV order, large — IV and V, medium — with moderate structures of V and VI order, and small — VI–VIII orders. Petroleum potential of sedimentary cover is evaluated. Sections of epirift tectonic complex, West Siberian, and Barents megadepressions are most promising, as well as rift and passive-margin complexes of the Timan-Pechora passive continental paleo-margin. Rift and pre-rift complexes of West Siberian and Barents above-rift megadepressions are less promising. Prospects of deepwater depressions within the Arctic mega-basin are minor, except for the eastern Pre-Laptev Sea closing. Exploration priority for the most promising structures in the Barents Sea shelf is outlined as follows: 1 — reef and organogenic buildups and structures: Vladimirsky and Vostochny (Kola-Kaninsky passive margin); 2 — Fedynsky arch; 3 — Luninsky; 4 — Admiralteisky structure; and on the Kara Sea shelf the structures are: 1 — Nyarmeisky and Skuratovsky; 2 — North Kharasaveisky; 3 — Rogozinsky and Vikulovsky; 4 — West Sharapovsky. We propose to use the classification of sedimentary cover structures in exploration and prospecting for oil and gas, and hydrocarbon resources assessment in different Russian regions.


Key words: Western Arctic; sedimentary cover; tectonic complexes; classification of structures; petroleum potential.

For citation: Shein V.S., Alferenok A.V., Kalamkarov S.L., Knipper A.A., Shein V.A. Sedimentary cover of the Western Arctic and neighbouring regions: tectonic framework and petroleum potential. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(6):5–33. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-6-5-33.


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V.S. Shein   Scopus

FGBU «All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

A.V. Alferenok

Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia;

S.L. Kalamkarov

FGBU «All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

A.A. Knipper

FGBU «All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

V.A. Shein

FGBU «All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

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