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Ya.S. Sbitneva
Tectonodynamic and lithofacies modelling: basis for improving oil and gas occurrence prediction in Kosju-Rogovsky Depression
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-1-105-120

With sufficiently high forecast resources, gas production volumes in the Komi Republic are decreasing every year from 20 billion m in 1980 to 2.7 billion m in 2019. This is a consequence of the exhaustion of the free gas resource base prepared in the Republic, the main components of which were the Vuktylsky (1961) and West Soplessky oil and gas condensate fields (1971). On the basis of the development of these fields, a large gas production, transmission, and processing infrastructure was created in the Komi Republic, for which hundreds of billion rubles were spent and the demand for which, given the existing raw material base, is decreasing. This entails negative economic and social consequences. And at the same time, only 30% of oil and gas potential of the North Urals oil and gas region is unlocked. The Kosju-Rogovsky depression is one of the most promising areas of the North Urals oil and gas region, where it is possible to discover a significant number of oil and gas condensate fields, including large ones. The article discusses the conditions of formation and patterns of oil and gas prospective traps occurrence based on tectonodynamic and lithofacies modeling.

Key words: Urals Foredeep; Kosju-Rogovsky Depression; petroleum potential; subduction; tectonodynamic zone; petroleum region; zone of oil and gas accumulation; oil and gas lead; hydrocarbon; geological modelling.

For citation: Sbitneva Ya.S. Tectonodynamic and lithofacies modelling: basis for improving oil and gas occurrence prediction in Kosju-Rogovsky Depression. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(1):108–121. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-1-108-121. In Russ.


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Y. S. Sbitneva
Postgraduate, Assistant Professor
Ukhta State Technical University,
13, ul. Pervomaiskaya, Ukhta,
169300, Russia

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