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A.E. Ryzhov, A.I. Krikunov, O.G. Mihalkina, N.Yu. Kanunnikova, A.S. Zemchenkov 
Updating the position of stratigraphic boundaries in the Tas-Yuriakhsky oil and gas condensate field
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-2-51-59

Helium presence in natural gas of the Tas-Yuriakhsky oil and gas condensate field situated in the south-western periphery of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic as well as need to construct a subsurface storage for this all-permeating gas aroused an interest to studies of internal structure of this field and building of its relevant model. The paper proposes to consider the Botuobinsky pay horizon as the upper regressive part of the large sedimentary cycle. This is based on the fact that erosion surface is lacking below the Botuobinsky sandstone, and underlying claystone gradually replaces them with no hiatus. It is the authors’ opinion that the lower boundary of the Botuobinsky horizon should be drawn individually along the bottom of the lowest reservoir interbed in each well instead of searching for the persistent lithological and well logging markers to match the neighbouring wells. Basing on creation of correlation charts and the results of X-ray diffraction analysis of core taken from a number of wells, the evidences of regional distribution of HM 1 layer of the Khamakinsky pay horizon are presented. This layer was identified in the Chayandinsky oil and gas condensate field, and can be delineated in the well columns of the Tas-Yuriakhsky field. The conducted studies allow unifying stratigraphic charts for well logs in the Chayandinsky, Srednebotuobinsky, and Tas-Yuriakhsky fields by adjusting their number and refusing, in particular, from such names as Kursovsky Fm and Ulakhansky Horizon.

Key words: Tas-Yuriakhsky oil and gas condensate field; lithology; clay minerals; X-ray diffraction; sedimentation; erosion; horizon.


For citation: Ryzhov A.E., Krikunov A.I., Mikhalkina O.G., Kanunnikova N.Yu., Zemchenkov A.S. Updating the position of stratigraphic boundaries in the Tas-Yuriakhsky oil and gas condensate field. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(2):51–59. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-2-51-59.


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3. Krikunov A.I., Ryzhov A.E., Filippova (Ryzhova) L.A., Kanunnikova N.Yu. The results of strati graphic cycle analysis carried out to revise a formation history of terrigenous Vendian deposits at the southern periphery of the Chayandinsky oil and gas condensate fi eld. In: B.A. Grigoriev, ed. Aktualnye voprosy issledovanij plastovyh sistem mestorozhdenij uglevodorodov: sb. nauch. st. Moscow: Gazprom VNIIGAZ, 2015. P. 126–134.
4. Ryzhov A.E., Krikunov A.I., Ryzhova L.A., Kanunnikova N.Yu., Saprina O.A. Updating the position of boundary between the Upper Byuksky and Lower Byuksky members in the Chayandinsky oil and gas condensate field considering lithological, field geophysical and seismic criteria. In: B.A. Grigoriev, ed. Aktualnye voprosy issledovanij plastovyh sistem mestorozhdenij uglevodorodov: sb. nauch. st. Moscow: Gazprom VNIIGAZ, 2013. P. 161–173.
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6. Ryzhov A.E., Krikunov A.I., Filippova L.A., Kanunnikova N.Yu., Zemchenkov A.S. Updati ng the position of some strati graphic interfaces in the Chayandinsky, Srednebotuobinsky, and Tas‑Yuriakhsky oil and gas condensate fields. In: B.A. Grigoriev, ed. Aktualnye voprosy issledovanij plastovyh sistem mestorozhdenij uglevodorodov: sb. nauch. st. Moscow: Gazprom VNIIGAZ, 2017. P. 162–174

A.E. Ryzhov  Scopus

Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Moscow Oblast, Russia;

A.I. Krikunov

Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Moscow Oblast, Russia;

O.G. Mihalkina

Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Moscow Oblast, Russia;

N.Yu. Kanunnikova

Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Moscow Oblast, Russia;

A.S. Zemchenkov

Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Moscow Oblast, Russia;

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