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S.A. Punanova, M.V. Rodkin
Development of shale hydrocarbon resources: geo-environmental risks
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-1-109-118

In recent years, widespread notions about the beginning of the era of shale oil and shale gas, which are based on the large proven amount of unconventional hydrocarbon resources and on the rapid growth of their production, have been widespread. However, the development of resources of carbon-bearing formations is associated with a noticeable increase in geo-environmental risks, in terms of both induced seismicity and environment pollution by potentially toxic elements (PTE). Existing measures to mitigate the risks from the induced seismicity are not optimal. The most dangerous effect of induced seismicity often more integral, more time-delayed and more distant from injection wells than we mean in the seismic hazard mitigation standards used. In addition to accounting for the hazards of induced seismicity, it is necessary to monitor the contents of PTE in shale formations, in hydrocarbons extracted from them, in groundwater, and in the gas component. With inadequate consideration of geo-environmental risks, production of shale hydrocarbons runs the risk of being unprofitable and even dangerous.

Funding: The paper is prepared as a part of execution of the State Order: "Scientific and methodological foundations for prospecting and exploration of oil and gas accumulations associated with megareservoirs of the sedimentary cover" and "Fundamental basis of innovative technologies in the oil and gas industry (fundamental, exploratory and applied research)".

Key words: production of shale hydrocarbons; resources; environmental risks; development; induced seismicity; environment pollution; potentially toxic elements.

For citation: Punanova S.A., Rodkin M.V. Development of shale hydrocarbon resources: geo-environmental risks. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2022;(1):109–118. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-1-109-118. In Russ.



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Svetlana A. Punanova  iD

Doсtor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Head Scientist Researcher
Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences (OGRI RAS),
3, ul. Gubkina, Moscow 119333, Russia.
e-mail: punanova@􀎛

Mikhail V. Rodkin  iD

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Chief Researcher, Laboratory Chief
Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics RAS,
84􀍬32, ul. Profsoyuznaya, Moscow, 117485, Russia
e-mail: rodkin􀎛

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