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  1. Manuscripts to be considered for publication in "Geologiya nefti i gaza" ("Russian Oil and gas geology") should be sent to the Journal Editorial Board by e-mail at The manuscripts should be structured according to the Requirements for manuscripts of “Geologiya nefti i gaza("Russian Oil and gas geology), which can be found on the Journal web-site, on the last page of each Journal issue, or provided by the Editorial Board upon request.

  2. Authors guarantee that they have exclusive rights to the material transmitted for publication, which is their original, anywhere else unpublished work. Should plagiarism and/or duplicate publication be identified, the manuscript will be rejected at any stage of the publishing process.

  3. The Editorial Board will advise the Author by e-mail if the manuscript has/has not been accepted for review and subsequent publication.

  4. Having registered the manuscript or after positive peer-review, the Editorial Board should send to the Author its comments concerning both the content and formatting of the manuscript that have to be taken into account and improved. The improved version of the manuscript should be sent back to the Editorial Board.

  5. The final decision on publication is taken following the results of the review and compliance of the material with the subject scope of the Journal, topicality of the manuscript, and impact of the research results. Within 6 (six) months upon receiving the manuscript, the Editorial Board should inform the author if the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

  6. The texts of the manuscripts should be reviewed in the form of a blind review when the identity of the Reviewers is not disclosed to Authors. In addition, after a positive review, the manuscripts are additionally sent for consideration to the experts of the Editorial Board in accordance with the subject matter.

  7. The Journal reviews all the manuscripts which comply with the subject scope of the Journal for the purpose of their expert assessment and obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers’ expert in the field. All Reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subjects of the materials to be reviewed and have publications on the same topics for the last 3 years. The reviews should be kept in the Journal archive for five years.

  8. The Reviewers should observe the Publishing ethics of “Geologiya nefti i gaza” (“Russian Oil and gas geology”).

  9. The Editorial Board will send the copies of the reviews or a reasonable rejection to the Author and, upon written request, may send the copies of the reviews to the RF Ministry of Education and Science. 

  10. A positive review does not guarantee the acceptance of the manuscript because the final decision in all cases lies with the Editorial Board. By his authority, the Editor-in-Chief rules the final solution of every conflict.

  11. In case a review contains recommendations for amending and improving the manuscript, the Editorial Board will send the text of the respective review to the Author along with a proposal to either take these recommendations into consideration when drafting a new version of the manuscript or send his/her arguments rejecting the recommendations, in whole or in part. The improving process should not take more than two months from the date the Author was informed of the Reviewer’s opinion. While improving the manuscript, the Author should not forget to update the Reference List on the actual dates of reference to the electronic resources. The improved version of the manuscript should be sent to the Editorial Board for the second review.

  12. The Editorial Board has to be notified verbally or in writing should the Author decide to refuse from publishing the manuscript. In case the Author fails to do so within 3 months after receiving a copy of the initial review, the Editorial Board takes the manuscript off the register and notifies the Author accordingly even in the absence of any information from the Author with a refusal to improve the manuscript. In such cases the Author should receive the respective notice stating the fact of taking the manuscript off the register due to the termination of the period allocated for its improvement.

  13. In case of a negative review, the Author should receive a respective notice, and the manuscript will be taken off the register. In case the Author decides to improve the manuscript and send it back to the Editorial Board for the second review, the Editorial Board will be able to accept the materials for consideration only if the manuscript has been improved by no less than 60 percent.

  14. Having received a positive review and a positive decision on publication, the manuscript will be added to the Journal portfolio. The Publication Plan is drafted by the Editor-in-Chief with due account of the Journal portfolio and priority reasons which are determined by the manuscript acceptance date, the content of the Journal section, and the topic of the Journal issue.

  15. The manuscript with the Reviewer’s comments as well as its proof and review should be kept in the Journal archive for at least one year after publication.

  16. Authors are fully responsible for the content, data, and publishing of their manuscripts. The opinion of the Editorial Board may differ from that of the Authors, and the Editorial Board will never be held liable for any inaccurate data published in the Journal. The Journal Editorial Board disclaims any responsibility to the Authors and/or third persons and organizations for any damage that may incur as a result of the publication of the manuscript.

  17. Publication in the Journal is free of charge. No royalties are paid.

  18. Artwork and illustrations which were sent by the Author together with the manuscript will be published as needed at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

  19. Manuscripts which do not comply with the Requirements for manuscripts of “Geologiya nefti i gaza” (“Russian Oil and gas geology) will not be accepted for publication.

  20. These Procedures have been drafted in compliance with the document “On Approval of the Rules of Creation with Notice of the List of Russian Reviewed Scientific Journals which Publish Basic Results of Research Findings of Candidate and Doctoral Dissertations, and Guidelines for Reviewed Scientific Journals To Be Included on the List of Russian Reviewed Scientific Journals which Publish Basic Results of Research Findings of Candidate and Doctoral Dissertations” as adopted by RF Ministry of Education and Science by Order No. 793, July 25, 2014, with the amendments approved by the RF Ministry of Education and Science by Order No. 560, June 03, 2015 (for additional information, see

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