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Якорь 1
E.A. Potapova
Geological model of the Achimov clinoform series within the south-eastern slope of the Srednemessoyakhsky Swell
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4-17-25

The paper presents the results of seismic and well data analysis over the south-eastern slope of the Srednemessoyakhsky Swell. Objective of the work was an improvement of geological model of the clinoform series in the suture zone of the small Srednemessoyakhsky Swell and Bolshekhetsky Depression linkage, as well as prediction of HC traps in the undrilled part of the formation. For this purpose, analysis of the following data was carried out: core description, mineral and petrographic composition of rocks; well logging data; testing results; porosity and permeability of Lower Cretaceous formations over 83 prospecting and exploratory wells; sedimentological columns (39 wells); results of paleontological and palynological studies (in 40 wells). Regional and areal CDP seismic data were examined (7313 km 2D and 3430 square km 3D) together with the results of regional scientific and research works (published and library materials) carried out in 2006–2015 in the north of Western Siberia (OAO Yamalgeofizika; LLC LNTNG Petrograf (Laboratory of New Technologies in Petroleum Geology); IPGG SB RAS (Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences); SibNATs (Siberian Scientific and Analytical Centre); LUKOIL-Western Siberia, LLC). The results of the core data analysis undertaken allowed proving the deepwater genesis of the interval under investigation. The new conceptual model of the Lower Cretaceous clinoform series on the south-eastern slope of the Srednemessoyakhsky Swell was created. Boundaries of uncharacteristic fans were mapped for the first time, which are similar to the Achimov objects in the neighbouring fields (results of 2012–2015 works) limited by paleotopography, with no progradation and rejuvenation of deposits. Prediction of HC traps development was carried out; the drilling results in 2017 have proved existence of the pool (oil flow rate during testing exceeded 500 CBM per day).


Key words: Srednemessoyakhsky Swell; clinoform deposits; conceptual model; deepwater deposits; paleotopography; below-Samotlor series.


For citation: Potapova E.A. Geological model of the Achimov clinoform series within the south-eastern slope of the Srednemessoyakhsky Swell. Geologiya neftii gaza. 2018;(4):17–25. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4-17-25.


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E.A. Potapova

TNNC, Tyumen, Russia;
Tyumen industrial University, Tyumen, Russia;

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