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N.V. Pospeeva, A.I. Larichev, I.A. Gubin, S.Yu. Sevostyanov
Identification of non-anticlinal traps in the Riphean and Vendian series on the results of regional seismic data interpretation (north of the Irkutsk Region, Central-Tungussky Petroleum Region)
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-3-47-56

Geological structure of the Nakannovsky area situated in the northern Irkutsk Region is considered according to the results of regional seismic data interpretation (2011–2012 field season).On the basis of seismic data, presence of the Riphean series is established in the north-eastern part of the study area, which supposedly belongs to the Angara-Kotuisky intraplatform riftogenic trough. From the thickness analysis of the Vendian terrigenous series in the lands adjacent to the Nakannovsky area, the conclusion about Vendian sandstone occurrence in its southwestern part is made. Characteristic of Riphean and Vendian-Lower Cambrian structural stages is presented. Bedding of the major reflection horizons is analysed. Integrated analysis of geological and geophysical data including seismic, magnetometry data and geological survey results allowed to identify faults acting as a seal for potential hydrocarbon accumulations. A number of oil and gas promising non-anticlinal objects is delineated on the results of seismic data interpretation. Iritkinsky, Panonginsky, Mogdynsky, and South Nakannovsky objects are identified in the Riphean and terrigenous Vendian series; and Iritkinsky, Panonginsky, North Taimurinsky, Chonsky, and South Nakannovsky — in the Vendian-Lower Cambrian series. Some of them are the predicted two/three way closures that are limited up the bed by the faults or confined to the areas of highest topography and closed along the structural contour of conditional pool outline; the other are controlled by a wedge belt. Three prospective oil and gas accumulation zones are identified in the mentioned series according to geophysical data and physical and chemical fields interpretation, they are: Iritkinsky-Panonginsky, Taimurinsky-Chonsky, and South Nakannovsky. Map of hydrocarbon potential of the Nakannovsky area is created, and recommendations on further exploration and prospecting activities are prepared.


Key words: geodynamics of oil and gas bearing basins; plumes; rifting; endodrainage systems; West Siberian sedimentary megabasin.

For citation: Pospeeva N.V., Larichev A.I. , Gubin I.A., Sevostyanov S.Yu. Identification of non-anticlinal traps in the Riphean and Vendian series on the results of regional seismic data interpretation (north of the Irkutsk Region, Central-Tungussky Petroleum Region). Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(3):47–56. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-3-47-56.


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N.V. Pospeeva   

Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPGG SB RAS), Novosibirsk, Russia;

A.I. Larichev

A.P. Karpinskiy Russian Geological Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia;

I.A. Gubin    Scopus

Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPGG SB RAS), Novosibirsk, Russia;

S.Yu. Sevostyanov

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