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A.V. Poletayev
Gas bearing capacity of the upper part of sedimentary cover in the Southern Caspian
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-5-33-43

Studies of gases of the near‑surface of the Southern Caspian, especially in its deep‑water part, is of great practi cal importance for explorati on, prospecti ng acti viti es and esti mati ng hydrocarbon potenti al of gas hydrate zones. The purpose of the research is to study the distributi on of hydrocarbon gases intensity over the area, as well as the detecti on of gas generati on zones. 1282 gas samples taken from the South Caspian fi elds (Shah Deniz, Bakhar, Pirallahi, Khali) and deep‑water South Caspian areas were examined together with the other geological and geophysical data. Data on the chemical and isotope compositi on of 147 hydrocarbon gas samples taken from oil and gas fi elds of South Caspian basin, 153 samples from mud volcanoes, 29 samples from bott om sediments and 4 samples from gas hydrates were interpreted. Research methods are based on interpretati on of gas survey data and isotope and chemical compositi on analysis of South Caspian hydrocarbon gases. As a result of the studies maps of the change in methane, ethane, propane, butane content within the near‑surface of the studied deposits were created. Based on the analysis of intensity variati ons of gas manifestati ons over the area and depending on the geological conditi ons it is found that mud volcanoes and faults are the most probable hydrocarbon migrati on paths; they refl ect geological setti ngs and generati on potenti al of the deep‑seated deposits of the Southern Caspian. Hydrocarbon gases in seafl oor and bear‑surface sediments of the South Caspian column are closely associated with the sources of hydrocarbon formati on, migrati on and other processes in deep and near‑surface sequences.

Key words: gas survey; South Caspian; faults; mud volcanoes; gas content.

For citation: Poletayev A.V. Gas bearing capacity of the upper part of sedimentary cover in the Southern Caspian. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(5):33–43. DOI: 10.31087/0016‑7894‑2019‑5‑33‑43.


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A.V. Poletayev   Scopus

Oil and gas Institute of National academy of sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan;;

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