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G.M. Petruniak, M.D. Petruniak
Surface markers of hydrocarbon accumulations (Carpathian Mountains)
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2020-2-87-93

In the Ukrainian part of the Carpathian Petroleum Province, the hydrocarbon exposures exist that are out of or under operation. Some of them resulted from the development of oil and nature paraffin fields. In three-dimensional interpretation of geological objects, one can mistake them for markers of oil deposits of satisfactory quality. Paleogene and Neogene structural and formational units occurring in the Outer Carpathians and Carpathian Foredeep have been chosen as the survey targets.
Features of migration, stratiform distribution of oil and fluids within the Eocene shale, siliceous-marly Oligocene horizon, and microfauna remained in them. The authors of the paper assign geochemical factors, physical and chemical properties of oil, fractionation, metasomatic changes, and geological transformations of subsurface to the role of key factors in the processes of hydrocarbon migration. Fluid migration accompanied by formation of organic and inorganic minerals occurs in the open thermodynamic system of unstable geological and geochemical medium. Allochthonous nodules with internal encrustations contain oil and natural paraffin, and may be indicative of oil accumulations destruction in geodynamic regime of provenance–cuvette system.


Key words: oil; Marmaroshsky “diamonds”; indicators; criteria; metasomatism; mineragenesis.

For citation: Petruniak G.M., Petruniak M.D. Surface markers of hydrocarbon accumulations (Carpathian Mountains). Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2020;(2):87–93. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2020-2-87-93. In Russ.



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G.M. Petrunyak   iD 
Lviv National University I.Franko, Lviv, Ukraine;


M.D. Petrunyak   iD 
Ukrainian Mineralogical Society, Kiev, Ukraine

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