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Якорь 1
N.I. Nemtsov, B.A. Solovyev
Petroleum potential of the Eifelian carbonate formations in the zone of Buzuluksky and Pre-Caspian depressions juncture
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-6-73-80

Structure and hydrocarbon potential of the Eifelian deposits in the zone of Buzuluksky and Pre-Caspian depressions juncture are updated on the basis of structural and tectonic analysis involving lithology and facies data. Role of the Eifelian carbonate series in hydrocarbon reserves distribution in the fields is increasing from north to south. Carbonate island-type Eifelian massifs associated with the identified uplift zones are established and supposed. Time of uplift zones and hydrocarbon traps formation in the Eifelian carbonate series is pre-Famenian. The wide oil and gas productive interval is predicted in the uplifted zones, namely, from the Lower Devonian to Lower Carboniferous. We recommend the future exploration and prospecting activities for hydrocarbon raw materials (speededup exploration of identified fields and prospecting for new large multi-layered deposits in Devonian series) and more precise quantitative assessment of hydrocarbon resources in both Eifelian formations and the Devonian series as a whole.


Key words: Buzuluksky depression; Eifelian stage; carbonate massifs; organic buildups; hydrocarbons; traps; undiscovered resources; petroleum potential; exploration and prospecting priorities.

For citation: Nemtsov N.I., Solovyev B.A. Petroleum potential of the Eifelian carbonate formations in the zone of Buzuluksky and Pre-Caspian depressions juncture. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(6):73–80. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-6-73-80.


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N.I. Nemtsov

FGBU «All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

B.A. Solovyev

FGBU «All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

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