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Якорь 1
V.D. Nemova
Technogenesis and technomorphism: theory and approaches to investigation on the example of the Upper Jurassic deposits of Western Siberia
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-2-7-14

Taking in consideration the active development and implementation of new technologies aimed at increasing the efficiency of oil production, the authors propose introducing a new stage of rock transformation under technogenic impact in reservoir conditions and referring it to as "technomorphism". This article presents a brief historical note of terms associated with the anthropogenic impact on the Earth’s subsurface, such as "technogenesis", "technological lithogenesis", etc. The backgrounds for introduction of the new "technomorphism" term are defined as an additional area in a wide range of lithological studies. In recent decades, there has been a rapid development of innovative and high-precision laboratory equipment, which every year is more and more actively used to solve practical problems in various oil and gas producing companies, and allows conducting unique experiments with rocks in conditions stimulating a reservoir. Unfortunately, the methods of such experiments are not regulated. The authors discuss the research problematicss and proven approaches to the study of technomorphism processes by analyzing the results of thermal impact on Upper Jurassic oil source rocks in the West petroleum basin as an example.

Key words: Upper Jurassic deposits; kerogen; thermal impact.

For citation: Nemova V.D. Technogenesis and technomorphism: theory and approaches to investigation on the example of the Upper Jurassic deposits of Western Siberia. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(2):7–14. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-2-7-14. In Russ.



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V.D. Nemova  iD
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Head of Department
3, str. 1, Pokrovskii bul'var, Moscow, 109028, Russia

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