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L.F. Naidenov
Northern and central regions of Verkhoyansk Foredeep: sedimentary cover petroleum potential and hydrocarbon traps prediction
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-6-25-36

Analysis of geological structure and prediction of hydrocarbon traps in the northern and central regions of the Verkhoyansk Foredeep are carried out on the basis of integrated interpretation of modern 2D seismic data and deep drilling results. The paper considers the stratigraphy, lithology, tectonic framework, hydrocarbon pools and promising traps distribution in sedimentary section, as well as geochemical factors of oil and gas occurrence in Palaeozoic-Mesozoic deposits of the Verkhoyansk Foredeep sedimentary cover. The results of 2D seismic data interpretation allowed proving that large fault, less often anticlinal traps occur in the Upper Palaeozoic-Mesozoic section; and their number exceeds the number revealed by previous works. Wide occurrence of stratigraphic traps that can be identified in modern seismic sections is a characteristic feature of geological structure of the territory. These factors contribute to better assessment of the potential of northern and central regions of the Verkhoyansk Petroleum Region. Sedimentary cover of the northern part of the trough possess the highest potential in terms of hydrocarbon exploration and prospecting. The most promising is the territory of the near-platform flank of the Lensky branch — from the Bakhynaisky area in the south to the Govorovsky in the north. The author recommend 2D seismic acquisition to be conducted in this territory with subsequent deep drilling based on its results.

Key words: Verkhoyansk Foredeep; trap; petroleum potential; sedimentary sequence; geoseismic section; catagenesis; oil and gas source rocks; reservoir; porosity; permeability; well logging.

For citation: Naidenov L.F. Northern and central regions of Verkhoyansk Foredeep: sedimentary cover petroleum potential and hydrocarbon traps prediction. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(6):25–36. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-6-25-36. In Russ.



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Leonid F. Naidenov
Novosibirsk Branch of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
2, ulitsa Kommunisticheskaya, Novosibirsk, 630007, Russia

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