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V.Yu. Morozov, V.V. Sapyanik
Current problems of the Western Siberia petroleum potential unlocking
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-3-27-36

The paper considers the key problems of current hydrocarbon reserves development; as on 01.01.2018, oil production amounts to 290.9 MM tons representing 55.9 % of total reserves of the remaining RF oil and gas provinces. Prospects of unexplored potential resources of the West Siberian Petroleum Province are substantiated; in-place resources of this province make 80 % of unallocated fund of subsurface mineral resources. The following aspects are emphasized: need for prospecting activities outside the mining allotments of the allocated fund of subsurface mineral resources; urgency of old well stock revising (their high-quality re-testing results in new fields discovery). Exploration and prospecting focus areas for regional works completion in the underexplored territories of the exterior belt of the West Siberian Plate are shown through the certain case histories; several fields such as Our'insky (having initial recoverable oil reserves of 33.8 MM tons), Baklyansky (1.5 MM tons), Shugursky (2.8 MM tons), East Kayumovsky (2.5 MM tons), etc., are discovered there in the recent years. Special attention is paid to the extensive production dynamics of the major RF oil producer — Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug: oil production in recent years decreased by 35.9 MM tons. Recommendations on solving the key problems hindering the resource base development in this petroleum province are given.

Key words: Western Siberia; oil; gas; resources; reserves; prospects; exploration and prospecting stages.


For citation: Morozov V.Yu., Sapyanik V.V. Current problems of the Western Siberia petroleum potential unlocking. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(3):27–36. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-3-27-36.


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V.Yu. Morozov

ZapSibNIIG, Tyumen, Russia;

V.V. Sapyanik

SNIIGGiMS, Novosibirsk, Russia;

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