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Якорь 1
A.N. Moroshkin, R.R. Imamov, A.O. Brazhnikov, O.G. Brazhnikov
Probabilistic assessment of the number of undiscovered hydrocarbon
accumulations according to their size class
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-1-27-41

The paper discusses the improvement of approaches to designing geopetroleum zoning, identifying of geopetroleum objects, determining their properties, indicators, and boundaries. This paper makes a point of continuous improvement of geopetroleum zoning system meant for companies management and development, namely: valuation of subsoil areas; selection of focus areas for exploration and prospecting, licensing and investment policy development, etc.


Key words: hydrocarbon fields; investment appeal; prospects; hydrocarbon potential; probabilistic assessment; geopetroleum zoning.

For citation: Moroshkin A.N., Imamov R.R., Brazhnikov A.O., Brazhnikov O.G. Probabilistic assessment of the number of undiscovered hydrocarbon accumulations according to their size class. Geologiya nefti i gaza = Oil and gas geology. 2019;(1):27–41. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-1-27-41.


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A.N. Moroshkin   Scopus

ООО ”LUKOIL-Engineering” branch OOO “VolgogradNIPImorneft”, Volgograd, Russia;

R.R. Imamov

ООО ”LUKOIL-Engineering” branch OOO “VolgogradNIPImorneft”, Volgograd, Russia;

A.O. Brazhnikov

FGBU «All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute», Moscow, Russia;

O.G. Brazhnikov

OOO “VolgogradNefteotdacha», Volgograd, Russia;

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