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O.A. Molchanov, I.V. Ustyantsev, I.D. Dikamova
Gas potential of the above-Cenomanian series in the western dome of the North-Urengoy field
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-1-55-61

In the stage of significant depletion of the main Cenomainan pool, abnormally low reservoir pressures, early water encroachment, low efficiency of water insulation works, problem of maintaining the well stock through involvement in the development the above-Cenomanian formations, which are considered difficult-to-recover, becomes essential. Potential of the above-Cenomanian gas-bearing zone is usually associated with gas potential of Lower Berezovka member occurring in 100–150 m above the Cenomanian Top. The member is represented by gaize, opoka clays, siliceous argillites with rare clay siltstone and fine-grained sandstone partings. Gas content of the formation was confirmed in the fields of eastern part of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. Within the central part of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, the presence of hydrocarbons is recorded by gas shows in the course of drilling, well testing in exploration areas, and in the results of CDP seismic data. The results of seismic data reinterpretation in the crestal area of the western dome of the North-Urengoy field show the "bright spot" anomaly coinciding with the area of high resistivity. When drilling sub-horizontal development wells in the North-Urengoy oil and gas condensate field, the drill cuttings description in the well 15313 was carried out. In the above-Cenomanian interval, a member composed of siliceous argillites is identified that is interpreted as potential fractured reservoir. Well 15164 was proposed as a priority for testing the Lower Berezovsky formaiton, where well logging has revealed a package of siliceous argillite. Taking into account the experience of the above-Cenomanian deposits development in the fields of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, it is recommended to test the well using a large-volume fracturing on a hydrocarbon basis.


Key words: difficult-to-recover reserves; unconventional gas reserves; low-permeability reservoirs; above-Cenomanian series; gas shows in the above-Cenomanian series; gas shows in the Senonian series; gaize; opoka clay; siliceous argillite; porous-fractured reservoir rock; abnormally low reservoir pressure.

For citation: Molchanov O.A., Ust'yantsev I.V., Dikamova I.D. Gas potential of the above-Cenomanian series in the western dome of the North-Urengoy field. Geologiya nefti i gaza = Oil and gas geology. 2019;(1):55–61. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-1-55-61.


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O.A. Molchanov   Scopus

Gazprom dobycha Urengoy LLC, Novy Urengoy, Russia;

I.V. Ustyantsev

Gazprom dobycha Urengoy LLC, Novy Urengoy, Russia;

I.D. Dikamova

Gazprom dobycha Urengoy LLC, Novy Urengoy, Russia;

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