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O.M. Mkrtchyan
Topical lines of geological studies of subsurface in Western Siberia
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-3-37-41

While geological and geophysical exploration maturity of the subsurface and HC resources in the West Siberian province is rather high, there are still a number of topical issues waiting to be solved. Among them is a problem of realistic assessment of petroleum potential and recoverable resources of the Bazhenov and Abalak formations, and a question of the new hydrocarbon exploration directions. More detailed studies of the clinoform Achimov sequence are also of current importance. Here it is necessary to map in detail every lenticular sand body as an object of localized resources (DL) assessment. The unambiguous spatial and genetic model of zones having anomalous Bazhenov Fm structure is not accepted to date. In the opinion of the author, correlation scheme presented in this paper explicitly falls within the clinoform cross-stratification model. One of the pressing challenges is to improve the efficiency of sand beds and traps identification and correlation within the Lower-Middle Jurassic sequence on the basis of regional seismic sections; this job should be accompanied by localized resources assessment. There is a need to improve the efficiency and unambiguity of structure and petroleum potential studies of the thick Triassic sequence developed in the Province north. The need for more realistic assessment of oil and gas potential within the pre-Jurassic Palaeozoic sequence increases. The problem of substantiated assessment of petroleum potential and hydrocarbon resources remains in the vast western, southern and eastern marginal parts of the province, where commercial oil and gas occurrence is still not established.


Key words: Achimov sequence; structure; clinoform; petroleum potential; model of zones of anomalous Bazhenov Formation structure.


For citation: Mkrtchyan O.M. Topical lines of geological studies of subsurface in Western Siberia. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(3):37–41. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-3-37-41.


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O.M. Mkrtchyan

FGBU “All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute”, Moscow, Russia;

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