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Якорь 1
F.A. Migurskii
Sedimentary basins and sedimentation basins: terminology, main differences, principles of identification, classification, and criteria of use in petroleum geology
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-2-7-16

The “sedimentary basin” term is widely used in petroleum geology. There are many definitions by many authors; although with the help of them, it is possible to solve the problem of selecting a region for initial oil and gas exploration in a regional stage, but later does not allow to fully conduct the required geodynamic and oil-and-gas evolutionary reconstructions. It is rather difficult to apply the Sedimentary Basin term used in foreign geology for the purposes of petroleum zoning and planning petroleum geology investigations in Russia. Translation from English most often synonymizes these concepts, which results in a number of complexities and problems. Classification of sedimentary basins into basins of rock formation and depositional basins proposed by P.P. Timofeev in 1978 was not generally recognized in Russian geology. This has had a negative impact on regional oil and gas exploration results until now. Understanding of features and differences of these terms is necessary for correct management of exploration activities aimed at hydrocarbon studies in Russia. Although it is difficult to classify sedimentary basins when predicting their petroleum potential, the paper substantiates the relationship between their geodynamic position and the ability to accumulate and preserve oil and gas source formations up to the stage of hydrocarbon generation.

Key words: regional stage; geological exploration; studies in petroleum geology; sedimentary basin; sedimentation basin; basin of rock forming; oil and gas source series; zoning.

For citation: Migurskii F.A. Sedimentary basins and sedimentation basins: terminology, main differences, principles of identification, classification, and criteria of use in petroleum geology. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2022;(2):7–16. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2022-2-7-16. In Russ.



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Feliks A. Migurskii   iD

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Head of Department
All-Russian Research Geological Oil institute
36, sh. Entuziastov, Moscow, 105118, Russia

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