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Якорь 1
F.A. Migurskii
On the assessment of oil and gas occurrence scale and prospects in the Pre-Patomsky Petroleum Region in the light of evolution of views on tectonic framework of Siberian Platform’s south-eastern margins
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-2-39-54

Pre-Patomsky basin and Pre-Patomsky Petroleum Regions associated with it are characterized by proven commercial gas-bearing capacity. The convenient infrastructural position with the immediate access to oil and gas pipeline system makes these lands even more attractive for commercial development. Since the middle of the last century, studies have been carried out to quantify the oil and gas occurrence in the Pre-Patomsky basin. Over time, in accordance with changes in views on the geological structure of the territory, there is a change in the estimates towards the petroleum potential growths. New, poorly substantiated resource estimates of the oil and gas bearing capacity of the Pre-Patomsky basin have appeared recently. Weakness of these assessments is the lack of a mature geological model of the region's structure. It should be recognized that the latest high estimates of petroleum potential of the Pre-Patomsky cratonic-margin basin do not have sufficient grounds and justified geological model. Exploration
maturity and the complex nature of the dislocation have so far to create a satisfactory tectonic model of the south-east of Siberian Platform, which is based only on local observations. At the same time, the available geological and geophysical materials make it possible to draw reasonable conclusions about the conformity of geological structure of the Pre-Patomsky cratonic-margin basin and the Baikal-Patom folded area with the well-studied platform and folded areas in the similar settings on the Earth. The need to obtain reasonable conclusions about the petroleum potential requires activation of national geological studies of this territory. Qualitative preliminary tectonic models can be created at the present time for the Pre-Patomsky cratonic-margin basin with a certain degree of conditionality; they may help to plan exploration and prospecting activities and select research line and technique. To create an adequate geological model of the Pre-Patomsky cratonic-margin basin, a number of regional geological exploration
works should be performed focused on seismic studies using seismic shooting and deep CDP methods, structural mapping, deep and core drilling, and summary case studies.


Key words: hydrothermal fluids; epigenetic minerals; secondary porosity; zones of depression; seismic exploration; tectonophysics; Western Siberia; Cretaceous deposits.

For citation: Migurskii F.A. On the assessment of oil and gas occurrence scale and prospects in the Pre-Patomsky Petroleum Region in the light of evolution of views on tectonic framework of Siberian Platform’s south-eastern margins. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(2):39–54. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-2-39-54.


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F.A. Migurskii   

All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, Moscow, Russia;

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