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Якорь 1
T.Yu. Medvedeva, E.B. Suvorova, A.S. Gushchin, T.N. Matyukhina, M.V. Minina, Yu.V. Sakhan', E.G. Eremina
Geographic Information Systems as a basic tool for subsoil use monitoring
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-3-51-65

The paper discusses the use of geographic information systems to solve the problems of subsoil use monitoring, which has been carried out since the emergence of the licensing system in the Russian Federation. A brief description of the history of licensing subsoil areas on the Russian continental shelf is given. Examples of GIS projects "State of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation licensing" and "Geological and geophysical study of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation" are described. The main functions of these GIS projects and the data they contain are considered. These GIS projects are the part of the constantly updated "Oil and Gas Potential of Russian Shelves" geographic information system developed in VNIIOkeangeologia and included in the State Register of Databases since 1997. The authors focus on monitoring the licenses status and related analysis of subsoil use under the license agreements. By the example of two case studies (the Severo-Obsky and Nyakhartinsky license areas), the successful fulfillment of license obligations by a subsoil user company is demonstrated. It is also noted that a variety of tools aimed at creating custom applications are available in geographic information systems. The paper describes the multi-purpose "Profile Density" software for ArcView, developed in the sector of information support for subsoil use (FSBI VNIIOkeangeologiya). The software is aimed at calculating degree of exploration maturity (density of 2D CDP seismic survey lines) in the license areas. Geographic information systems, being one of the main tools for natural resource management, contribute to a rational approach to subsoil use.

Key words: Geographic Information Systems (GIS); subsoil use monitoring; state of licensing; geological and geophysical exploration maturity; continental shelf.

For citation: Medvedeva T.Yu., Suvorova E.B., Gushchin A.S., Matyukhina T.N., Minina M.V., Sakhan' Yu.V., Eremina E.G. Geographic Information Systems as a basic tool for subsoil use monitoring. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(3):51–65. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-3-51-65. In Russ.



1. O sozdanii informatsionnoi komp'yuternoi sistemy v oblasti geologicheskogo izucheniya i ispol'zovaniya nedr [On the creation of a computer information system in the field of subsoil geological study and use]. In: Postanovlenie kollegii Roskomnedra ot 10.08.1993. In Russ.
2. Zakon RF ot 21.02.1992 № 2395-1 (redaktsiya ot 03.03.1992, 01.12.2007, 29.04.2008, 13.07.2015, 27.12.2019 "O nedrakh" [The Subsoil Law of the Russian Federation No. 2395-1 dated 21.02.1992 (as amended on 03.03.1992, 01.12.2007, 29.04.2008, 13.07.2015, 27.12.2019)]. In Russ.
3. Ob ustanovlenii zapreta na dopusk programmnogo obespecheniya, proiskhodyashchego iz inostrannykh gosudarstv, dlya tselei osushchestvleniya zakupok dlya obespecheniya gosudarstvennykh i munitsipal'nykh nuzhd [Establishing a ban on the admission of software originating from foreign countries for the purposes of procurement for state and municipal needs]. In: Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 16.11.2015. № 1236 (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami: 23.03.2017, 20.12.2017, 20.11.2018, 30.03.2019). In Russ.
4. Ob utverzhdenii perechnya uchastkov nedr federal'nogo znacheniya, kotorye predostavlyayutsya v pol'zovanie bez provedeniya auktsionov [On the Approval of the list of subsoil areas of federal significance to be made available for use without holding tenders]. In: Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 787-р dated June 15, 2009 (as amended on 07.06.2019). In Russ.
5. Poruchenie Prezidenta Rossiiskoi Federatsii V.V. Putina ot 12.02.2015 № Pr-254 [Mandate of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin № Пр-254 dated 12.02.2015]. In Russ.
6. Suprunenko O.I., Medvedeva T.Y., Minina M.V., Sakhan' Y.V. Sistema informatsionno-analiticheskogo obespecheniya GRR na arkticheskom shel'fe [Information and analytical support system for geological exploration on the Arctic shelf]. 2018;(11):18–23. In Russ.
7. Registratsionnoe svidetel'stvo NTTs “Informregistr” Gosudarstvennogo komiteta Rossiiskoi Federatsii po svyazi i informatizatsii № 2511 ot 01.09.1997 [Registration Certificate № 2511 dated 01.09.1997 issued by NTC Informregistr, State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Information Technology]. In Russ.
8. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 23.05.2013 g. № 824-r o vnesenii izmenenii v Rasporyazhenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 15.06.2009 № 787-r [Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation № 824-р dated 23.05.2013 on amending the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 787-р dated June 15, 2009]. In Russ.

T.Yu. Medvedeva   iD
Head of Department
1, Angliiskii prospekt, 190121, Russia


E.B. Suvorova   iD
Candidate Of Geological And Mineralogical Sciences
Head of Sector
1, Angliiskii prospekt, 190121, Russia


A.S. Gushchin   iD
Lead Engineer
1, Angliiskii prospekt, 190121, Russia


T.N. Matyukhina   iD
Lead Engineer
1, Angliiskii prospekt, 190121, Russia


M.V. Minina   iD
Lead Engineer
1, Angliiskii prospekt, 190121, Russia


Y.V. Sakhan'   iD
Lead Engineer
1, Angliiskii prospekt, 190121, Russia


E.G. Eremina   iD
Lead Engineer
1, Angliiskii prospekt, 190121, Russia

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