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Якорь 1
K.N. Markov, K.A. Zhukov, A.A. Koneva, T.V. Kostyleva
Distributed Bank of Geological and Geophysical Information of VNIGNI as a part of the industrial Unified Fund of Geological Information
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-3-67-76

The authors discuss systematization, storage, integration, and access to geological and geophysical information related to crude hydrocarbons with the use of GEOBANK web-oriented software environment created on the basis of MGS-Framework platform and PostgreSQL object-relational database system. On the basis of GEOBANK, the information space Unified Bank of Geological and Geophysical Information is implemented in the Russian Research Institute of Oil Exploration (VNIGNI), which is designed to manage access to geological and geophysical information collected in the Institute. Unified Bank of Geological and Geophysical Information of VNIGNI is actively used in solving problems of information and analytical support of the state subsoil use system in the field of crude hydrocarbons and scientific generalization of the results of Russian petroleum provinces regional study. The paper presents the main storage sections of the Unified Bank of Geological and Geophysical Information of VNIGNI and their capacity. The structure of the Unified Bank is considered as an integral part of the VNIGNI distributed databank of geological and geophysical information. Within the framework of the developed structure, workplaces of specialists of the institute and its branches are created to handle information and analytical tasks. The issues of the VNIGNI
distributed databank of geological and geophysical information interaction with the “Unified Subsurface Geological Information Fund” Federal State Information System are discussed. The basic functionality and user interface are described. The aspects of its further development are presented.

Key words: information management system; Unified Bank of Geological and Geophysical Information of VNIGNI; GEOBANK; MGS-Framework; access to geological and geophysical information; data systematization and storage; databank.

For citation: Markov K.N., Zhukov K.A., Koneva A.A., Kostyleva T.V. Distributed Bank of Geological and Geophysical Information of VNIGNI as a part of the industrial Unified Fund of Geological Information. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(3):67–76. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-3-67-76.



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2. Markov K.N. Komp'yuternaya tekhnologiya raspredelennoi obrabotki geoinformatsii v prirodopol'zovanii na osnove mnogofunktsional'nogo geoinformatsionnogo server [Computer technology of geoinformation distributed processing in management of natural resources, which is based on multipurpose geoinformation server]. In: Geoinformatsionnye sistemy v geologii: sbornik tezisov. 2011. pp. 20–24. In Russ.
3. Yuon E.M. Klyuchevye polozheniya v izmenenii zakonodatel'stva na rubezhe 2015–2016 gg. In: Federal'naya gosudarstvennaya informatsionnaya sistema “Edinyi fond geologicheskoi informatsii” [Key provisions in legal change in 2015–2016]. Available at: (accessed 23.12.2020). In Russ.

K.N. Markov   iD
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Head of Center
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia


K.A. Zhukov
Candidate of Economics Sciences,
Deputy Director
Novosibirsk branch All-Russian
Research Geological Oil Institute,
24, ul. M. Gor'kogo, Novosibirsk, 630099, Russia


A.A. Koneva
Head of Sector
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia


T.V. Kostyleva
Head of Segment
All-Russian Research
Geological Oil Institute,
8, Varshavskoe Shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia

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