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M.A. Lur’e
Transformation of deep-lying abiogenic fluids to petroleum substance
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-5-73-82

Different aspects of the concept of deep abiogenic oil generation are compared. Based on the idea that deep-lying high-temperature fluids are a natural catalytic system containing the active components such as sulphur and metals in the processes of hydrocarbons polymerization and polycondensation, it follows that the processes in this mixture can result in formation of an petroleum substance containing, along with hydrocarbons, organic sulphur and metal-containing structures. The pattern of this catalytic system is quite consistent with the real oils’ parameters. The results of study of oil sulphur and carbon isotopy and their fractions do not contradict the vision of oil substance formation in the process of deep fluid evolution. It is revealed that classification of certain petroleum hydrocarbons only as structures having biological origin is improper. Application of thermodynamic models confirms the possibility of petroleum substance existence at different depths. At the same time, it should be taken into account that chemical processes in geospheres occur in non-equilibrium mode, and petroleum fluid is an open system remote from the thermodynamic equilibrium. Therefore, for a more comprehensive study of oil genesis, it will be reasonable to use the concept of synergetics — a universal interdisciplinary field of science explaining formation and self-organization of systems that are not in thermodynamic equilibrium. It is revealed that the possibility of synergetic processes (cooperative influence of sulphur and metals on hydrocarbons) in the deep-lying fluid causes fractality (self-similarity) of petroleum systems at different spatial levels. Involvement of deep methane having a strong greenhouse effect, sulphur, and metals characterized by toxic effects on biosystems, in oil genesis contributes to occurrence of environmental conditions favourable for life. Thus, oil not only provides for people's resource and energy needs, but oil genesis also appears to have an environmental function.

Key words: genesis of abiogenic oil; composition of deep fluids; key reactions of oil formation.

For citation: Lur’e М.А. Transformation of deep-lying abiogenic fluids to petroleum oil substance. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(5):73–82. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-5-73-82.


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M.A. Lur’e   Scopus

Research Institute of Oil and Coal Chemical Synthesis of Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia;;

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