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Якорь 1
M.A. Lur’e
Sources of hydrocarbons, heterocomponents, and trace elements of abiogenic oil: properties and composition of deep fluids
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2020-3-43-49

The authors discuss properties of deep fluids and features of their transformation during the course of vertical migration and oil formation. Supercritical components of deep fluids make it possible to considerably weaken the mechanical strength of the surrounding rocks and to penetrate into their structure easily. This provides favourable conditions for fluid flow migration. Components of the deep fluids are: hydrocarbons; sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen compounds, and metal-containing structures. Supercritical components of deep fluids make them highly active to each other. Sulphur and metals have a catalytic capacity to initiate processes of hydrocarbon polymerization and formation of high-molecular organosulphur compound, as well as nitrogen-, oxygen- and metal-containing complexes (oil porphyrins). Simultaneous course of these reactions determines composition of the oil formed. Generation of petroleum hydrocarbons and organosulphur compounds is a process of "successive" multi-stage-type synthesis. These processes run without adding any extra reagents or catalysts to the reaction system.
There are numerous examples of successive processes occurring in nature. Formation of oil components is a particular case of these natural phenomena. Petroleum complexes (porphyrins) containing nitrogen, oxygen, and metals are formed simultaneously with generation of hydrocarbons and organosulphur compounds.


Key words: properties and composition of deep fluids; sources and processes of formation of oil heterocomponents and microelements.

For citation: Lur’e M.A. Sources of hydrocarbons, heterocomponents, and trace elements of abiogenic oil: properties and composition of deep fluids. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2020;(3):43–49. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2020-3-43-49. In Russ.



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M.A. Lur’e
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,

Research Institute of Petroleum and Coal Chemical Synthesis,
Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

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