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Якорь 1
L.V. Levchuk, A.P. Afanasenkov, N.D. Surova, E.A. Kopilevich
Jurassic-Cretaceous formations of Gydan and Yenisei-Khatanga petroleum areas: accuracy of innovative reservoir properties prediction
using seismic and drilling data
DOI 10.31087/0016‑7894‑2020‑3-61-69

The paper is devoted to new data on reservoir properties behaviour in the Jurassic-Cretaceous formations of the western part of the Yenisei-Khatanga regional trough and the neighbouring territory of the West Siberian Plate’s north-east. To obtain the results, innovative technology of integrated spectral and velocity prediction was applied with the use of seismic and drilling data. The behaviour of reservoir properties of the formations is presented in the form of predicted weighted parameters
(average net thickness and specific reservoir storage capacity) for six Jurassic-Cretaceous oil and gas bearing reservoirs. The data obtained allowed revealing the high-capacity zones within each of the studied reservoir, unravelling common factors of occurrence of higher reservoir property values for the neighbouring reservoirs, and also identifying the fundamental difference between Cretaceous and Jurassic regional reservoir properties. Reliability of the obtained results and accuracy of mapping are
evaluated by means of direct matching the predicted values of reservoir properties and new well data unused in building these maps. The mean errors of mapping was 6.65 and 5.19 % for net thickness and specific storage capacity, respectively, these results are acceptable and satisfactory in regional predictions. Confidence level of prediction of net thickness and specific storage capacity of the Jurassic-Cretaceous reservoirs that is based on drilling data is 0.86; it is quite sufficient to use the obtained new
information in planning further exploration and prospecting activities.

Key words: Yenisei-Khatanga regional trough; Gydan, Yenisei-Khatanga oil and gas bearing areas; West Siberian Petroleum Basin; geological model; reservoir properties; reservoir; net thickness; seismic exploration; amplitude interpretation; accuracy estimation; reliability.


For citation: Levchuk L.V., Afanasenkov A.P., Surova N.D., Kopilevich E.A. Jurassic-Cretaceous formations of Gydan and Yenisei-Khatanga petroleum areas: accuracy of innovative reservoir properties prediction using seismic and drilling data. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2020;(3):61–69. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2020-3-61-69. In Russ.


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2. Kopilevich E.A., Surova N.D., Levchuk L.V. Quantative forecast ofreservoir properties of the Gydanskaya and Yenisei-Khatangskaya western part oil and gas bearing areas. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2017;(6):59–66. In Russ.
3. Kharkevich A.A. Spektry i analiz [Spectra and analysis]. Moscow: Fizmatgiz; 1962. 235 p. In Russ.
4. Afanasenkov A.P., Surova N.D., Levchuk L.V., Kiselev A.A., Kopilevich E.A. Capacitive characteristics of reservoirs of Jurassic – cretaceous deposits of the gidan and western part of the Yenisei-Khatanga oil and gas bearing areas. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2017;(4):45–54. In Russ.
5. Afanasenkov A.P., Kirsanov A.M., Chikishev A.A. Lithology, porosity and permeability of Jurassic-Cretaceous reservoirs in Gydan and Yenisei-Khatanga petroleum provinces. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(1):43–54. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-1-43-54. In Russ.


L.V. Levchuk
All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, Moscow, Russia


A.P. Afanasenkov
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
AO “Rosgeologiya”, Moscow, Russia


N.D. Surova
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute,
Moscow, Russia


E.A. Kopilevich
Doctor of geological and mineralogical Sciences,
All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, Moscow, Russia

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