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Якорь 1
A.G. Lebed'ko, G.I. Lebed'ko
Deep horizons of Kerchensky-Tamansky Petroleum District: future of commercial development
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-5-19-31

The author shows that the share of hard-to-recover oils has significantly increased in the structure of Russian reserves. At the same time, the production of these raw materials is growing much slower than its share in the total volume of reserves. Such a disbalance especially typical of the mature producing regions leads to resource base decrease and deterioration. The authors discuss the conditions of carbonate deposits formation and structural features of the Domanic-Tournaisian oil and gas play within the studied areas of the Verkhnepechorsky transverse uplift. The authors discuss the most promising objects that have been identified using geological and geophysical data. Factors that contributed to trap formation in the study area in the Domanic-Famennian time are analyzed. To assess the resources, an advanced approach to predict initial potential resources was used taking into account calculation of hydrocarbon migration streams speed and range and probability of reaching a given depth interval. The authors present a typical workflow for hydrocarbon accumulations predicting, which can be used to assess the probability of charging a trap with hydrocarbons in certain depth interval. Based on interpretation of a significant volume of geological and geophysical material, the results of calculating the probability of trap charging within the Izjayusky structure are presented.

Key words: naturally fractured reservoir; prediction of prospects; vertical heat and mass transfer; reservoir model; Maikopsky claystone; oil and gas occurrence criteria; geophysical parameters; deep horizons; integral analysis.

For citation: Lebed'ko A.G., Lebed'ko G.I. Deep horizons of Kerchensky-Tamansky Petroleum District: future of commercial development. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2021;(5):19–31. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-5-19-31. In Russ.



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Aleksandr G. Lebed'ko
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Senior Researcher
Southern Federal University «Institute of Earth Sciences»,
40, ul. Zorge, Rostov-on-don, 344058, Russia


Gennadii I. Lebed'ko
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Chief Researcher
Southern Federal University «Institute of Earth Sciences»,
40, ul. Zorge, Rostov-on-don, 344058, Russia

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