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V.A. Krinin, I.I. Porozov
Oil and gas potential of the Putorana Anticline and neighbouring lands in the north east of the Kureya Syneclise
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-5-5-14

The paper discusses issues associated with petroleum potential assessment of the Putorana Anticline (an unplift, according to some reports) and neighbouring territories of the Kureya Syneclise; they are characterised by extremely low G&G exploration maturity. The paper presents a brief description of the methods applied and amount of data used. On the results of drilling Well 358 and two core holes in the Ledovaya area, architecture of sedimentary cover geological section is described for the Putorana Anticline, which is composed of the Late Riphean – Mesozoic deposits. We propose an updated structural and tectonic model of the Pastaginsky Ridge that occupies the central part of the Putorana Anticline. This model also presents the following local highs: Megunsky, Nikitovsky, Dakitsky, Voskovsky, and to the fullest extent explains the presence of possible accumulations in the Silurian, Ordovician, and Cambrian formations. We present the results of the new pyrolysis studies carried out on the Llandovery sapropelic shale sample; together with the possible petroleum generating Lower-Middle Cambrian horizons (analogues of the Kuonamsky Fm), this shale may also be a source rock. Presence of horizons having satisfactory, good, and very good reservoir quality is substantiated in the sedimentary cover of the north-eastern part of the Kureya Syneclise; this is evidenced by the results of cased-hole testing and sampling while drilling in the areas neighbouring the considered region. Wide-spread occurrence of salt within the Middle Devonian deposits is noted; they present a high-quality impermeable bed over the vast area of the syneclise’s north. Possible hydrocarbon potential of the considered area is demonstrated by the example of the localized forecast resources assessment for four highs within the Pastaginsky Ridge.


Key words: Kureya Syneclise; Putorana Anticline; local high; deposits; formation; trap; source rocks; hydrocarbons; oil; resources.

For citation: Krinin V.A., Porozov I.I. Oil and gas potential of the Putorana Anticline and neighbouring lands in the north east of the Kureya Syneclise. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(5):5–14. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-5-5-14.


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V.A. Krinin    Scopus

Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia;

I.I. Porozov

Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia;

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