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Якорь 1
V.A. Krinin, I.I. Porozov
Zonation of hydrocarbon distribution and oil and gas occurrence within
sedimentary cover in the western part of the Siberian Platform
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2020-4-29-44

Commercial oil and gas potential in the western part of the Siberian platform is established in the Riphean, Lower Nepa, Upper Nepa, Tyr, Lower Danilov, Middle Danilov reservoirs on the Baikitsky anteclise and in the Katanga saddle. Accumulations of oil and gas with sub-economic reserves are known within the Bakhtinsky mega-uplift and the Kureysky-Baklanikhinsky mega-swell. According to analysis of geological and geophysical information from sedimentary cover of the considered part of the region, a distinct zoning of hydrocarbon accumulations is observed in accordance with the facies variability of the columnand, especially, with the stratigraphic position of salt rock deposits in it. In accordance with the established hydrocarbon occurrence zoning within sedimentary cover of the western part of the Siberian platform, territories are identified that are potentially promising oil and gas fields discovery. To trace the main changes in the structure and lithological composition of the sedimentary cover in the region from Kamov arch to Ledyansky arch, typical cross-sections were created for certain facies regions with highlighted stratigraphic intervals of oil and gas saturation, which are geographically related to Kamovsky arch (type I), Bakhtinsky mega-uplift (type II, III) Ledyansky arch (type IV).


Key words: North Tunguska oil-and-gas bearing region; South Tunguska oil-and-gas bearing region; Kureya syneclise; Bakhtin mega-uplift; oil; gas; prospects; basal magmatism; facies zoning.

For citation: Krinin V.A., Porozov I.I. Zonation of hydrocarbon distribution and oil and gas occurrence within sedimentary cover in the western part of the Siberian Platform. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2020;(4):29–44. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2020-4-29-44. In Russ.


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V.A. Krinin  iD 

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
Leading Researcher
Novosibirsk branch of the All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, Novosibirsk, Russia


I.I. Porozov  iD 

Novosibirsk branch of the All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, Novosibirsk, Russia

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