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V.V. Kharakhinov
Geodynamic framework of oil and gas occurrence in the Sea of Okhotsk region
DOI: 10.31087/0016‑7894‑2018‑2‑25‑39

The Sea of Okhotsk region is the most informati ve object for identi fi cati on of deep oil and gas occurrence settings and mapping of endodrainage systems — the deep channels for fl uid transportati on, which control the scale of fl uid fl ows that in turn determine the energy of geodynamic processes of naft idogenesis. This is caused primarily by the high geological and geophysical explorati on maturity, dense seismic explorati on coverage, and recent increase in informativity and depth of 2D and 3D seismic data, gravimetry and magnetometry materials, deep seismic and magnetotelluric sounding, and seismic tomography imaging. The largest deep channels serve as sub‑verti cal ways of fluid offt ake from the major fluid‑carrying line of the region, namely, Kuril‑Kamchatka Slab; its structure was recently mapped in the course of seismic tomography imaging. Acti ve crust‑mantle medium works in the area of endodrainage function, which consists of geoblocks and blocks with various geodynamic, mainly rift‑related nature. The Sea of Okhotsk geodynamic province isolated within the Kuril‑Kamchatka Slab functi on in Cenozoic and composed of autonomous crust‑mantle geoblocks, is represented in Cenozoic secti on by rift‑related sedimentary basins with high petroleum potential, which are clustered in the major rift‑related megasystems, they are: North‑West‑Central and South‑Okhotsk. The following Cenozoic geoblock and block structures are the parts of them: North‑Okhotsk‑cis‑Okhotsk (Tauisky‑Gizhiginsky system), Shantarsky, North‑Okhotsky and West‑Kamchatka;
West‑Okhotsky — Deryuginsksy and Hokkaido‑Kuril structural basins and Golyginsky trough. The Tatarsky and cis‑Pacifi c rift‑related systems are delineated separately. All the mega‑systems and systems are combined into the Sea of Okhotsk petroleum province, but they represent the autonomous petroleum sub‑provinces and potenti ally oil and gas bearing sub‑provinces. The following factors play a major role in oil and gas occurrence: 1) existence of fluid‑saturated permeable drainage systems for high‑energy fluid flows supply from the depth, which are associated with the lithosphere extensional structures, including those strike‑slip in the zones of ultra‑deep fluid‑fault systems; 2) development of natural oil and gas pools overlapped by reliable impermeable beds.


Key words: Sea of Okhotsk region; geodynamics and oil & gas occurrence; endodrainage systems; fluids; fold structure; rift -related sedimentary basins; pull-apart tectonics.


For citation: Kharakhinov V.V. Geodynamic framework of oil and gas occurrence in the Sea of Okhotsk region. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(2):25–39. DOI: 10.31087/0016‑7894‑2018‑2‑25‑39.


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V.V. Kharakhinov

Russian Society of Subsoil Use Experts, Moscow, Russia;

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