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V.V. Kharakhinov
Petroleum geodynamics of the West Siberian sedimentary megabasin
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-2-5-21

Currently available geological and geophysical information on structure of the Earth and its oil and gas bearing systems shows that naphtidogenesis is a consequence of interaction between the energy fields of all the Earth’s geospheres. Two major geodynamic regimes determine formation of oil and gas bearing systems in Western Siberia, they are: plume-riftogenic and post-rift. During the course of lithosphere destruction by the Permain-Triassic superplume in the form of rift grabens and master fault clusters mainly of strike-slip nature, a network of major drains is created; they are fluid conductors canalizing flows of subsurface energy and substances to the shallow horizons. Resulting from the processes of scattered rifting, a “loosened” zone is formed along these structures; it is presented by local sub-vertical destruction zones and zones of intense fracturing. Processes of plume-riftogenic regime are the basis for formation of the largest reservoir — West Siberian sedimentary basin — and making it a petroleum province due to post-rift geodynamic regime. Regional and local plumes contribute not only to synergy of oil and gas generation, but also to creation of favourable conditions for oil and gas accumulation.


Key words: geodynamics of oil and gas bearing basins; plumes; rifting; endodrainage systems; West Siberian sedimentary megabasin.

For citation: Kharakhinov V.V. Petroleum geodynamics of the West Siberian sedimentary megabasin. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(2):5–21. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-2-5-21.


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V.V. Kharakhinov   Scopus

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