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R.S. Kashapov, I.V. Goncharov, N.V. Oblasov, V.V. Samoilenko, P.V. Trushkov, S.V. Fadeeva
Organic Matter of Bazhenov formations: new approach to kinetic studies
DOI 10.31087/0016‑7894‑2020‑3-51-59

Kinetic studies are an integral part of basin modelling. The accuracy of estimation of hydrocarbon generation start time and hydrocarbon amount depends on the proper definition of Organic Matter kinetic parameters. In this work, the results of kinetic studies of the Bazhenov Formation rock samples having different level of organic maturation are used to determine a dependence between the values of the Arrhenius constant and activation energy. This dependence was a basis for calculation of kinetic spectra for samples representing the course of generation potential realization in the process of thermal evolution.
The authors propose an approach for combining the obtained spectra into a single one that allows accounting for the processes of Organic Matter polycondensation during the course of catagenesis. Comparing the results of generation potential realization of the obtained kinetic spectrum with kinetic models from various published sources, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the potential of a new approach to kinetic research.

Key words: kinetic; Bazhenov formation; catagenesis; Western Siberia; pyrolysis; Organic Matter.

For citation: Kashapov R.S., Goncharov I.V., Oblasov N.V., Samoilenko V.V., Trushkov P.V., Fadeeva S.V. Organic Matter of Bazhenov formations: new approach to kinetic studies. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2020;(3):51–59. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2020-3-51-59. In Russ.


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R.S. Kashapov  iD 
TomskNIPIneft, Tomsk, Russia


I.V. Goncharov  iD 
Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor
TomskNIPIneft, Tomsk, Russia


N.V. Oblasov
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,

TomskNIPIneft, Tomsk, Russia


V.V. Samoilenko  iD 
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
TomskNIPIneft, Tomsk, Russia


P.V. Trushkov  iD 
TomskNIPIneft, Tomsk, Russia


S.V. Fadeeva  iD 
Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
TomskNIPIneft, Tomsk, Russia

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