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D.F. Kalinin, Yu.A. Yanovskaya, A.S. Dolgal
Statistical methods for potential fields interpretation: studies of structural and tectonic architecture of oil and gas promising territories
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-2-27-36

The authors discuss capabilities of computer technologies for gravity and magnetic fields interpretation, which allow identifying and delineating elements of deep structural and tectonic architecture in oil and gas promising territories. An option of integrated processing of geophysical data based on complementary mathematical methods of statistical profiling and empirical mode decomposition is proposed. An example of integrated analysis of geological and geophysical data defining the possible relationships between geological structure of the basement and structural features of sedimentary cover inherited from it is presented. The results of revealing of hidden geopotential fields’ anomalies being associated with possible hydrocarbon migration and concentration within the local areas of interpretation section are demonstrated.

Key words: factors of oil and gas occurrence; geopotential fields; statistical profiling; dispersion section; mode function; structural element; fault; basement; sedimentary cover; interpretation section.

For citation: Kalinin D.F., Yanovskaya Yu.A., Dolgal A.S. Statistical methods for potential fields interpretation: studies of structural and tectonic architecture of oil and gas promising territories. Geologiya nefti i gaza.2021;(2):27–36. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2021-2-27-36. In Russ.

Funding: This work was supported by RFBR grant No. 19-05-00654 А.



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D.F. Kalinin   iD

Doctor of of Technical Sciences,
Group Supervisor
korp. 2, lit. A, ul. Fayansovaya, St. Petersburg, 192019, Russia

Y.A. Yanovskaya
Leading Geophysicist
korp. 2, lit. A, ul. Fayansovaya, St. Petersburg, 192019, Russia


A.S. Dolgal'  iD
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
Leading Researcher
Mining Institute, Ural Branch
of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
78a, ul. Sibirskaya, Perm’, 614007, Russia

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