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Якорь 1
I.S. Gutman, G.P. Kuznetsova, A.A. Obgol'ts, M.I. Saakyan, A.V. Skorobogat'ko, G.V. Kuznetsova, S.F. Panov, T.K. Kazhmulinov.
Weathering crust and pre-Jurassic foundation: specifics of correlation
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4-69-87

The paper discusses problems of interfaces identification between sedimentary cover, weathering crust and pre-Jurassic foundation rocks. Procedures for correlation of weathering crust column are proposed. Integrated analysis of core, well logging, and seismic data by the example of exploratory well stock in the Danilovsky and North Danilovsky fields made it possible to draw a conclusion on correlatability of weathering crust columns and to determine a pre-Jurassic foundation boundary, identify four types of weathering crust column, and localize them areally. Correlation results together with testing results make a basis for identification of oil-bearing interval of the weathering crust. Correlation procedures introduced for the deposits of weathering crust and pre-Jurassic foundation in the Danilovsky and North Danilovsky fields are successfully applied in the North Semividovsky and South Tabagansky fields.


Key words: sedimentary cover; weathering crust; pre-Jurassic foundation; basement; well log correlation.


For citation: Gutman I.S., Kuznetsova G.P., Obgol'ts A.A., Saakyan M.I., Skorobogat'ko A.V., Kuznetsova G.V., Panov S.F., Kazhmulinov T.K. Weathering crust and pre-Jurassic foundation: specifics of correlation. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(4):69–87. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-4-69-87


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3. Gutman I.S., Balaban I.Yu., Staroverov V.M., Kuznetsova G.P., Saakyan M.I., Potemkin G.N., Rudnev S.A., Shalupina A.V., Isyangulova N.R., Kachkina E.A., Kataev A.O., Yampol'skaya E.N., Semyanov K.G., Skachek K.G., Aref'ev S.V., Papukhin S.P., Ursegov S.O., Furman N.F., Zyryanov S.A., Vologodskii D.V. Recommended practi ces for welllog correlation. In: I.S. Gutman, ed. Moscow: Nedra; 2013. 112 p.
4. Gutman I.S., Kuznetsova G.P., Skorobogat'ko A.V. Methods of correlation deposits weathering crust and pre‑Jurassic basement. Nedropolzovanie XXI vek. 2015;(7):18–31.

I.S. Gutman  Scopus

Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia;

G.P. Kuznetsova   Scopus

Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia;

A.A. Obgol'ts

Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia;

M.I. Saakyan

Federal Agency for Subsoil Use, Moscow, Russia;

A.V. Skorobogat'ko

LUKOIL-engineering, Moscow, Russia;

G.V. Kuznetsova

KogalymNIPIneft, LUKOIL-engineering regional branch, Tyumen, Russia;

S.F. Panov

KogalymNIPIneft, LUKOIL-engineering regional branch, Tyumen, Russia;

T.K. Kazhmulinov

Gazpromneft Science & Technology Centre, Tyumen, Russia;

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