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Е.B. Grunis, I.A. Marakova
Prospects for new fields discovery in Timan-Pechora Province and Arctic Shelf
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-5-5-13

The authors discuss formation settings of carbonate and terrigenous deposits within the studied plays; and analyse the possibilities of hydrocarbon generation by sedimentary deposits, hydrocarbon accumulation in traps and conservation within the structures promising for oil. The most promising objects are identified in Middle-Ordovician – Lower Devonian carbonate sequence, Upper Visean – Lower Permian carbonate sequence, and Permian terrigenous play. By the example of Khoreiversky Depression, the innovative stage-based approach with the use of the developed technology of tectonic-facies-amplitude prediction allowed identifying the criteria for new pools exploration in the zones of mixed facies-amplitude conditions on the catagenetic-evolutionary basis; testing of separate assessment of amount of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons formed is carried out. The essence of the approach is to analyse the factors mainly involved during a particular geological time interval, and having an influence on: sedimentation processes; generation, thermal transformation, accumulation of hydrocarbons, and re-formation of hydrocarbon accumulations. Much attention is paid to the aspects of prediction of oil and gas promising traps formed in Permian terrigenous deposits. Prospectivity of these deposits is supported by existence of oil and gas pools discovered within the Sorokin Swell in both continental and offshore parts.

Key words: Timan-Pechora Petroleum Province; terrigenous and carbonate deposits; promising structures; formation settings; trap; tectonic-facies-amplitude zone; pool; catagenetic-evolutionary method.

For citation: Grunis Е.B., Marakova I.A. Prospects for new fields discovery in Timan-Pechora Province and Arctic Shelf. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(5):5–13. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-5-5-13.


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Е.B. Grunis   Scopus

All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, Moscow, Russia;;

I.A. Marakova

Ukhta state technical university, Ukhta, Russia;;

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