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Якорь 1
Е.B. Grunis, V.B. Rostovshchikov, Ya.S. Sbitneva, Yu.A. Bol'shakova
Oil and gas fields in Timan-Pechora Province: exploration trends
DOI 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-3-57-65

The paper discusses trends of new oil and gas fields exploration and prospecting in Timan-Pechora Province. Main exploration targets are: for oil — underexplored zones associated with pinching out of Silurian-Lower Devonian carbonate deposits at the slopes of Bol’shezemel’sky and Denisovsky paleo-arches; for gas — territory of pre-Urals Foredeep, where large two-way closures occur in abundance. Wide-spread occurrence of faults and thrust tectonics is a feature of geological architecture in this territory. Their genesis is related to subduction processes in the final stages of Urals-Mongolian mobile belt evolution. Local structures formed as a result of these processes are common in the territory; many of them are oil and gas saturated. 19 hydrocarbon fields are discovered in the North pre-Urals Petroleum Province. Distribution of accumulations saturated with different fluids seems to be as follows: gas and gas condensate accumulations were mainly formed in the internal zone; gas, gas condensate with oil rims — in the central zone; oil accumulations — in the external wall. Currently, an extremely uncertain estimate of potential hydrocarbon resources is typical of depressions of the pre-Urals Foredeep. Domanik-type Upper Devonian formations and underexplored yet promising Permian-Triassic terrigenous series are of particular interest. The latter is widespread not only within the continental part of Timan-Pechora Province, but also in the territory of the neighbouring Arctic shelf.


Key words: two-way closures; stratigraphic pinch-out; paleo-arch; formation conditions; accumulation; field; oil; gas.

For citation: Grunis Е.B., Rostovshchikov V.B., Sbitneva Ya.S., Bol'shakova Yu.A. Oil and gas fields in Timan-Pechora Province: exploration trends. Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2019;(3):57–65. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2019-3-57-65.


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Е.B. Grunis   Scopus

All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, Moscow, Russia;

V.B. Rostovshchikov

Ukhta state technical university, Ukhta, Russia;

Ya.S. Sbitneva

Ukhta state technical university, Ukhta, Russia;

Yu.A. Bol'shakova

Ukhta state technical university, Ukhta, Russia;

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