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E.Yu. Goryunov, M.H. Nguyen
The main features and regularities of the oil and gas fields structure
in the basement of Сuu Long basin (Vietnam)
DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-2-97-103

Commercial oil and gas occurrence of the basement is one of the petroleum geology problems most discussed today. More than 450 fields with commercial oil, gas, and condensate accumulations in the basement of 54 petroleum basins are already known all over the world and on all the continents. That is why crystalline basement should become a separate object for oil and gas exploration, and development of methodological approaches for oil and gas deposits prediction is necessary to improve efficiency of these works. One of such methods is comparative analysis of geological architecture between the discovered fields and promising areas. The Cuu Long Basin covering the southern Vietnamese shelf is the best studied basin where numerous fields are discovered in the basement. This paper discusses the major features of oil and gas fields identified in the basement of Cuu Long basin (Bach Ho (White Tiger), Rong (Dragon) Nam Rong – Doi Moi) on the basis of geological and geophysical data analysis and synthesis. These features can be used as indicators in prediction of oil and gas occurrence within the similar basement structures of the Cuu Long Basin and other regions in the world, which are not drilled yet. The most significant indicators are: location within the basins associated with rift-related structures; block structure of the basement rocks; intensive development of fault systems; presence of decompaction zones in the basement rocks; occurrence of neotectonic activity; hydrothermal alterations of basement rocks, which cause voids formation; existence of oil deposits in overlaying sedimentary sequences, which is indicative of active current hydrocarbon generation and migration processes.


Key words: oil and gas potential of the basement; White Tiger; Dragon; Cuu Long basin; tectonic activity.

For citation: Goryunov E.Yu., Nguen M.Kh. The main features and regularities of the oil and gas fields structure in the basement of Сuu Long basin (Vietnam). Geologiya nefti i gaza. 2018;(2):97–103. DOI: 10.31087/0016-7894-2018-2-97-103.


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E.Yu. Goryunov

Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia;

M.H. Nguyen

Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Moscow, Russia;

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